Personal dotfiles and shell scripts.
Just browse the files and copy what you need.
- bin/ - scripts for managing the dotfiles
- completion/ - zsh completions for the above
- lib/ - the actual dotfiles
- ...
- lib/.local/bin/ - custom scripts
- lib/.local/completion/ - zsh completions for the above
- ...
I use Neovim with Packer plugin manager.
To install packer, run:
git clone --depth 1 ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim
You can take a look at the Vim plugins I currently use here.
Useful maintenance commands:
Tiling window managers automatically organize open windows, so that you don't have to drag them around using mouse.
I use a personal fork of DWM with some additional patches applied.
I use lf file manager which is fast and also serves as an entry point for running scripts.
As it runs in terminal I use it also over SSH on servers.
For system wide hotkeys I use the sxhkd which has a convenient way of configuring the bindings.
Below is the list of mapping I use.
In both dwm and sxiv the prefix key is super
, which gives:
key description managed by
--- ---------------------------- ----
0-9 view windows with given tag dwm
a view windows with `a` tag dwm
A add `a` tag to focused window dwm
b toggle dwm's bar dwm
B launch Brave sxhkd
c launch LibreOffice cal sxhkd
C launch Chrome sxhkd
d decrease numer of windows in master area dwm
D clear otp sxhkd
f set floating layout dwm
F set floating master dwm
g show passwords dmenu sxhkd
G add new password to gopass sxhkd
h focus prev window dwm
i increase number of windows in master area dwm
j decrease master area size dwm
k increase master area size dwm
l focus next window dwm
m set monocle layout dwm
M set centered master layout dwm
q close focused window dwm
Q restart dwm dwm
p show projects dmenu
r retype password sxhkd
R retype login sxhkd
s show snippets dmenu sxhkd
S edit snippets sxhkd
t launch tmux with terminal sxhkd
T set tiled layout dwm
u show URL snippets dmenu sxhkd
U edit URL snippets sxhkd
w launch Firefox sxhkd
W launch Firefox incognito sxhkd
z view windows with z tag dwm
Z add z tag to focused window dwm