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Based on DotNet, GD AtlasTexture Creator provides a handy editor tool that resembles the SpriteEditor from UnityEditor for ease of AtlasTexture creation.


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Supports Godot 4.1/4.2 With .Net Based on .Net, GD AtlasTexture Creator provides a handy editor window that resembles the SpriteEditor from UnityEditor for ease of AtlasTexture creation.


  1. Configure the .Net runtime according to the Prerequisites section of the Godot Engine Docs.

  2. Download the zip file from Release.

  3. Decompress the file, and place the addons folder directly into the root of your project.

  4. If you have not yet create a C# solution, select Project/Tools/C#/Create C# solution, then click the Build button at top right corner. image image

  5. Navigate to Project/Project Settings/Plugins in Godot Editor, locate the GD AtlasTexture Creator from the Installed Plugins list, and then check Enable under the Status column.

  6. The dedicated inspector for GD AtlasTexture Creator will now launch located at the Bottom Right Dock slot


Inspecting a Texture

When double-clicking a resource with type Texture2D inside the FileSystem Window, the GD AtlasTexture Creator will show the preview of the inspecting image.


Top Bar Section


Control Description Selections
Snap Mode Controls the snapping precision when editing rect parameters, similar to the options inside the AtlasTexture Region Editor Window. Pixel Snap: All Editing Metrics are clamped to integer precision.
None: All Editing Metrics are clamped to two digits.
AtlasTexture Slicer Toggle the visibility of the AtlasTexture Slicer, a tool for automating AtlasTexture creation. On: Displays the AtlasTexture Slicer
Off: Hides the AtlasTexture Slicer
Scan AtlasTexture Button Scan the eligible AtlasTextures which uses the current inspecting Texture2D and displays the result inside the viewport. Scan AtlasTexture In Folder: Scan the eligible AtlasTextures in the directory where the current inspecting Texture2D is located.
Scan AtlasTexture In Project: Scan the eligible AtlasTextures everywhere inside the project.

Slicer Subview Section

A powerful tool for creating AtlasTexture slices, there are three slicing types provided as follows.

Slice Type Description Preview
Automatic Create AtlasTexture slices based on pixel chunks inside the texture, this is identical to the behavior found in the AtlasTexture Region Editor Window. image
Grid By Cell Size Create AtlasTexture slices based on the specified cell pixel size. image
Grid By Cell Count Create AtlasTexture slices based on the specified cell count. image

When creating AtlasTexture slices using this tool, there are two Methods of creating slices available.

Method Name Description
Ignore Existing (Additive) Create the slices directly, and ignore the current existing slices.
Avoid Existing (Smart) New AtlasTexture slices that have their region occupied by existing AtlasTextures, will be ignored during the creation.

Primary View Section

This is the primary section for editing AtlasTexture Slices. Similar to the AtlasTexture Region Editor Window, you can drag the viewport by holding the middle mouse button, and scale the viewport by scrolling the middle mouse button or through the buttons on the top left corner.


Mouse Action Description
Left Click and Drag in the empty section of the area Create a new AtlasTexture from the texture & identify the sizing.
Left Click and Drag on the handle (Red Circle) Modify the Size of an existing AtlasTexture
Left Click and Drag inside an existing AtlasTexture Slice Modify the Position of an existing AtlasTexture

The AtlasTextures created are Color Coded as following


Color Definition
Green Current selected AtlasTexture.
White The AtlasTexture from the project.
Cyan The temporarily created AtlasTexture, you can edit their name or delete these slices since they are not written into the filesystem.

AtlasTexture Mini Inspector

Displays the Edible Parameters for the current selected AtlasTexture


Control Description
X Remove the selected AtlasTexture, only available for temporarily created AtlasTextures.
Name Edit the Name of the selected AtlasTexture, only available for temporarily created AtlasTextures.
Region Edit the Region of the selected AtlasTexture.
Margin Edit the Margin of the selected AtlasTexture.
Filter Clip Edit the Filter Clip property of the selected AtlasTexture.

Save & Discard Section

All changes made to the inspecting texture are not written into the filesystem immediately, this section is used to apply or discard the pending modification.


Button Definition
Discard Discard the pending modification and restore the Primary View Section to its initial state.
Create / Update Creates all temporarily created AtlasTextures, and applies all changes to existing AtlasTextures into the project filesystem.


此插件支持 包含.Net模块的Godot 4.1/4.2
基于 .Net,GD AtlasTexture Creator 提供一个类似于Unity编辑器中Sprite编辑器的实用的编辑器,用于简化AtlasTexture的创建过程。


  1. 根据 Godot Engine DocsPrerequisites 一栏的内容配置 .Net 运行时。

  2. Release处下载压缩包。

  3. 解压下载完成的压缩包,并且将其中的addons文件夹放置在项目工程文件夹的根目录。

  4. 如果从未建立过C#解决方案,则执行 Project/Tools/C#/Create C# solution ,之后点击窗口右上角的 Buildimage image

  5. 前往Godot编辑器的项目/项目设置.../插件,从已安装插件列表中找到GD AtlasTexture Creator项目,然后将状态一列中的启用栏目勾上

  6. GD AtlasTexture Creator专用的检查器将会启动于编辑器的右下停靠栏



文件系统窗口中双击一个Texture2D类型的资源时,GD AtlasTexture Creator会展示当前正在检视的图像资源




控件 介绍 选项信息
吸附模式 控制编辑矩形时的对齐精度,类似于AtlastTexture 区域编辑器中的同名控件。 像素吸附:所有编辑时的参数都对齐到最近整数。
AtlasTexture Slicer 切换AtlasTexture Slicer可见性,一种用于自动化创建AtlasTexture的工具。 On: 显示AtlasTexture Slicer
Off: 隐藏AtlasTexture Slicer
Scan AtlasTexture Button 扫描引用了当前Texture2DAtlasTextures并且在视图中展示。 Scan AtlasTexture In Folder: 在当前Texture2D所在的文件夹中扫描符合条件的AtlasTextures。
Scan AtlasTexture In Project: 在整个项目文件夹中扫描符合条件的AtlasTextures。



切片模式 介绍 预览
Automatic 基于纹理内部的像素块创建AtlasTexture切片,这与AtlasTexture区域编辑器窗口中的行为相同。 image
Grid By Cell Size 根据指定的单元格像素大小创建AtlasTexture切片。 image
Grid By Cell Count 基于指定的单元计数创建AtlasTexture切片。 image


方法名称 介绍
Ignore Existing (Additive) 直接创建切片,并忽略当前的现有切片。
Avoid Existing (Smart) 区域被现有AtlasTextures占据的新AtlasTexture切片将在创建过程中被忽略。


这是编辑AtlasTexture切片的主要部分。 与AtlasTexture区域编辑器窗口类似,可以通过按住鼠标中键拖动视口,并通过滚动鼠标滚轮或通过左上角的按钮缩放视口。


鼠标动作 介绍
在区域的空白区域中单击拖拽 从纹理创建一个新的AtlasTexture并确定大小。
缩放手柄拖拽(红色圆圈) 修改现有AtlasTexture的大小
在现有AtlasTexture切片内拖拽 修改现有AtlasTexture的位置



颜色 定义
绿 当前选定的AtlasTexture




控件 介绍
X 删除选定的AtlasTexture,仅适用于临时创建的AtlasTextures。
Name 编辑所选AtlasTexture名称
Region 编辑所选AtlasTextureRegion属性。
Margin 编辑所选AtlasTextureMargin属性。
Filter Clip 编辑所选AtlasTextureFilter Clip属性。




按钮 介绍
Discard 放弃挂起的修改并将主视图界面恢复到其初始状态。
Create / Update 创建所有临时创建的AtlasTextures,并将对现有的AtlasTextures的所有更改应用到项目文件系统中。


Based on DotNet, GD AtlasTexture Creator provides a handy editor tool that resembles the SpriteEditor from UnityEditor for ease of AtlasTexture creation.







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