The goal of the pmatch
package is to provide structure pattern
matching, similar to Haskell and ML, to R programmers. The package
provide functionality for defining new types and for matching against
the structure of such types.
The idea behind pattern matching is that we define types by how we create them, and we have ways of matching a pattern of constructors against a value to pick the one that matches the value.
The simplest example is a type defined just from constants. For example,
we can define the type enum
to consist of one of ONE
, or
enum := ONE | TWO | THREE
Any of these three constants will be created by this command. If you print them, they just give you their names:
#> ONE
#> TWO
The interesting feature is that we can match against these
constructor-constants. Using the case_func
function we can declare
functions where we can pick a pattern that matches a value.
elements <- list(ONE, TWO, THREE)
match <- case_func(
ONE -> 1,
TWO -> 2,
THREE -> 3
for (elm in elements) {
value <- match(elm)
cat("Element", toString(elm), "maps to value", toString(value), "\n")
#> Element ONE maps to value 1
#> Element TWO maps to value 2
#> Element THREE maps to value 3
The case_func
function works by matching its first element–which
should be a value constructed as a type we have defined with
–against a list of patterns. The pattern arguments are on the form
pattern -> expression
. The value is matched against the patterns in
turn and the first pattern that matches will be chosen. The expression
to the right of the arrow is then evaluated and the result is returned.
The patterns do not need to be literal constants. You can also use variables. These will be bound to the matching value and the expression that is evaluated will see such variables bound.
elements <- list(ONE, TWO, THREE)
match <- case_func(
ONE -> 1,
v -> v
for (elm in elements) {
value <- match(elm)
cat("Element", toString(elm), "maps to value", toString(value), "\n")
#> Element ONE maps to value 1
#> Element TWO maps to value TWO
#> Element THREE maps to value THREE
It gets more interesting when we move beyond constants. The :=
operator also allows you to define function-constructors. These are
written simply as you would write a function call, but the variables are
interpreted as parameters of the constructor. For example, we could
zero_one_two_three := ZERO | ONE(x) | TWO(x,y) | THREE(x,y,z)
The first constructor, ZERO
, is just a constant as before, but the
other three takes arguments.
#> ONE(x = 1)
#> TWO(x = 1, y = 2)
#> THREE(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3)
When we use case_func
to match against such patterns, we can bind
variables to the values they contain.
f <- case_func(
ZERO -> 0,
ONE(x) -> x,
TWO(x,y) -> x + y,
THREE(x,y,z) -> x + y + z
#> [1] 0
#> [1] 1
#> [1] 3
#> [1] 6
You can nest these patterns to match on more complex values
f <- case_func(
ZERO -> 0,
ONE(x) -> x,
TWO(ONE(x),ONE(y)) -> x + y + 42,
TWO(x,y) -> x + y,
THREE(x,y,z) -> x + y + z
#> [1] 42
You have to be careful with the order of expressions, though. If we
flipped the two TWO
patterns, the first one, TWO(x,y)
would match
first and we would be trying to add together ONE(10)
and ONE(-10)
which would result in an error since we do not have an addition operator
defined on these types.
A variable will match any pattern, so you can use one as a default case.
I prefer to use the .
h <- case_func(
1 -> 1, 13 -> 13, . -> 24
#> [1] 24
When you define function constructors, you can give the arguments types.
You do this by adding :
and a type name to the argument. For example,
we could define
one_or_two := ONE(x : numeric) | TWO(x : numeric, y : numeric)
We would now get an error if the arguments we provide to the
constructors were not numeric
#> ONE(x = 1)
#> Error in ONE(x = "foo"): The argument x should be of type numeric.
Constructors and pattern matching becomes even more powerful when you start to define recursive data structures. You can, for example, define a binary tree like this:
tree := L(elm : numeric) | T(left : tree, right : tree)
You can then write a very succinct depth first traversal that collects the leaves of such a tree like this:
f <- case_func(
L(v) -> v,
T(left,right) -> c(f(left), f(right))
x <- T(T(L(1),L(2)), T(T(L(3),L(4)),L(5)))
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5
You can also assign to variables in the current namespace using
subscripting on the special object bind
bind[a,b] <- 1:2
#> [1] 1
#> [1] 2
With the bind
object, you can match against patterns, as with the
function, and matched variables will be added to the
namespace where you invoke subscripting on bind
#> T(left = T(left = L(elm = 1), right = L(elm = 2)), right = T(left = T(left = L(elm = 3), right = L(elm = 4)), right = L(elm = 5)))
bind[T(left, right)] <- x
#> T(left = L(elm = 1), right = L(elm = 2))
#> T(left = T(left = L(elm = 3), right = L(elm = 4)), right = L(elm = 5))
If you want to test more than one pattern at a time you can create a data type for tuples, e.g.
tuples := ..(first, second) | ...(first, second, third)
f <- case_func(..(.,.) -> 2, ...(.,.,.) -> 3)
f(..(1, 2))
#> [1] 2
f(...(1, 2, 3))
#> [1] 3
For more examples, see below.
You can install the stable version of pmatch from CRAN using
You can install the development version pmatch from github with:
# install.packages("devtools")
To show how the pmatch
package can be used, I will use three data
structures that I have implemented without pmatch
in my book on
Functional Data Structures in R: linked
lists, plain search trees, and red-black search trees.
To run the examples below, you will need to use the magrittr
for the pipe operator, %>%
The list
type in R is allocated to have a certain size when it is
created, and changing the size of list
objects involve creating a new
object and moving all the elements from the old object to the new. This
is a linear time operation, so growing lists usually lead to quadratic
running times. With linked lists, on the other hand, you can prepend
elements in constant time–at the cost of linear time random access.
You can implement a linked list using list
objects. You simply
construct a list that contains two elements, the head of the linked
lists–traditionally called car
–and the tail of the list–another linked
list, traditionally named cdr
. You need a special representation for
empty lists, and a natural choice is NULL
. With pmatch
we will use a
constant instead, though, so we can pattern match on empty lists.
We can define a linked list using the pmatch
syntax like this:
linked_list := NIL | CONS(car, cdr : linked_list)
lst <- CONS(1, CONS(2, CONS(3, NIL)))
Although R doesn’t implement tail recursion optimization, habit forces
me to write tail recursive functions. For list functions, this usually
means providing an accumulator parameter. Other than that, recursive
functions operating on linked lists should simply match on NIL
patterns. Two examples could be computing the length of a list
and reversing a list:
list_length <- case_func(acc = 0,
NIL -> acc,
CONS(car, cdr) -> list_length(cdr, acc + 1)
#> [1] 3
reverse_list <- case_func(acc = NIL,
NIL -> acc,
CONS(car, cdr) -> reverse_list(cdr, CONS(car, acc))
#> CONS(car = 3, cdr = CONS(car = 2, cdr = CONS(car = 1, cdr = NIL)))
Translating to and from vectors/list
objects is relatively simple. To
go from a vector to a linked list, we use NIL
and CONS
, and to go
the other direction we use pattern
vector_to_list <- function(vec) purrr::reduce_right(vec, ~ CONS(.y, .x), .init = NIL)
list_to_vector <- function(lst) {
n <- list_length(lst)
v <- vector("list", length = n)
f <- case_func(i,
CONS(car, cdr) -> {
v[[i]] <<- car
f(cdr, i + 1)
f(lst, 1)
v %>% unlist
lst <- vector_to_list(1:5)
#> [1] 5
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5
lst %>% reverse_list %>% list_to_vector
#> [1] 5 4 3 2 1
Search trees are binary trees that holds values in all inner nodes and satisfy the invariant that all values in a left subtree are smaller than the value in an inner node, and all values in the right subtree are larger.
We can define a search tree like this:
search_tree := E | T(left : search_tree, value, right : search_tree)
Here, we use an empty tree, E
, for leaves. We only store values in
inner nodes, created with the constructor T
tree <- T(T(E,1,E), 3, T(E,4,E))
#> T(left = T(left = E, value = 1, right = E), value = 3, right = T(left = E, value = 4, right = E))
Because of the invariant, we know where values should be found if they are in a tree. We can look at the value in the root of a subtree. If it is larger than the value we are searching for, we need to search to the left. If it is smaller, we need to search to the right. Otherwise, it must be equal to the value. If we reach an empty tree in this search, then we know the value is no the tree.
member <- case_func(x,
T(left, val, right) -> {
if (x < val) member(left, x)
else if (x > val) member(right, x)
else TRUE
member(tree, 0)
#> [1] FALSE
member(tree, 1)
#> [1] TRUE
member(tree, 2)
#> [1] FALSE
member(tree, 3)
#> [1] TRUE
member(tree, 4)
#> [1] TRUE
Since data in R, in general, are immutable, we cannot update search
trees. We can, however, create copies with updated structure, and
because R implements “copy-on-write”, this is an efficient way of
updating the structure of data we work on. If we insert elements into a
search tree, what we will really be doing is to create a new tree that
holds all the values the old tree held plus the new values. If the value
is already in the old tree we do not add it again, but we will be
returning a new tree. We create the new tree in a recursion. Whenever we
call recursively, we create a new inner node that will contain one
subtree that is an exact copy of one of the subtrees from the old
tree–shared with the old tree so no actual copying takes place–and one
subtree that is created in the recursive insertion. The recursion goes
left or right using the same logic as in the member
function. If we
find that the element is already in the tree, we terminate the recursion
with the tree that contains the value. If we reach an empty tree, the
element was not in the old tree, but we have found the place where it
should be in the new tree, so we create an inner tree with two empty
subtrees and the value.
insert <- case_func(x,
E -> T(E, x, E),
T(left, val, right) ->
if (x < val)
T(insert(left, x), val, right)
else if (x > val)
T(left, val, insert(right, x))
T(left, x, right)
tree <- E
for (i in sample(2:4))
tree <- insert(tree, i)
for (i in 1:6) {
cat(i, " : ", member(tree, i), "\n")
#> 1 : FALSE
#> 2 : TRUE
#> 3 : TRUE
#> 4 : TRUE
#> 5 : FALSE
#> 6 : FALSE
The worst-case time usage for both of these functions is proportional to the depth of the tree, and that can be linear in the number of elements stored in the tree. If we keep the tree balanced, though, the time is reduced to logarithmic in the size of the tree. A classical data structure for keeping search trees balanced is so-called red-black search trees. Implementing these using pointer or reference manipulation in languages such as C/C++ or Java can be quite challenging, but in a functional language, balancing such trees is a simple matter of transforming trees based on local structure.
Red-black search trees are binary search trees where each tree has a colour associated, either red or black. We can define colours using constant constructors and define a red-black search tree by extending the plain search tree:
colour := R | B
rb_tree := E | T(col : colour, left : rb_tree, value, right : rb_tree)
Except for including the colour in the pattern matching, the member
function for this data structure is the same as for the plain search
member <- case_func(x,
T(col, left, val, right) -> {
if (x < val) member(left, x)
else if (x > val) member(right, x)
else TRUE
tree <- T(R, E, 2, T(B, E, 5, E))
for (i in 1:6) {
cat(i, " : ", member(tree, i), "\n")
#> 1 : FALSE
#> 2 : TRUE
#> 3 : FALSE
#> 4 : FALSE
#> 5 : TRUE
#> 6 : FALSE
Red-black search trees are kept balanced because we enforce these two invariants:
- No red node has a red parent.
- Every path from the root to a leaf has the same number of black nodes.
If every path from root to a leaf has the same number of black nodes, then the tree is perfectly balanced if we ignored the red nodes. Since no red node has a red parent, the longest path, when red nodes are considered, can be no longer than twice the length of the shortest path.
These invariants can be guaranteed by always inserting new values in red leaves, potentially invalidating the first invariant, and then rebalancing all sub-trees that invalidate this invariant, and at the end setting the root to be black. The rebalancing is done when returning from the recursive insertion calls that otherwise work as insertion in the plain search tree.
insert_rec <- case_func(x,
E -> T(R, E, x, E),
T(col, left, val, right) -> {
if (x < val)
balance(T(col, insert_rec(left, x), val, right))
else if (x > val)
balance(T(col, left, val, insert_rec(right, x)))
T(col, left, x, right) # already here
insert <- function(tree, x) {
tree <- insert_rec(tree, x)
tree$col <- B
The transformation rules for the balance
function are shown in the
figure below:
Every time we see one of the trees around the edges, we must transform it into the tree in the middle. We can implement these transformations as simple as this:
balance <- function(tree) {
T(B,T(R,a,x,T(R,b,y,c)),z,d) -> T(R,T(B,a,x,b),y,T(B,c,z,d)),
T(B,T(R,T(R,a,x,b),y,c),z,d) -> T(R,T(B,a,x,b),y,T(B,c,z,d)),
T(B,a,x,T(R,b,y,T(R,c,z,d))) -> T(R,T(B,a,x,b),y,T(B,c,z,d)),
T(B,a,x,T(R,T(R,b,y,c),z,d)) -> T(R,T(B,a,x,b),y,T(B,c,z,d)),
otherwise -> tree)