- Credit goes by my name, TheoAllen.
- All of my plugins are free to use for commercial and non-commercial project. This includes a game jam with any kind of prizes.
- All of my plugins are free to repost/edit/repost of edit as long as it is remain free and you don't claim it if it is yours.
- All of my plugins are allowed to be used in a private commission work.
- You are free to post a paid extension to my plugin as long as you don't repost the whole original/edited code (refers to 3rd point)
- I'm not responsible to any problem with the third party that sold the paid extension or the commission work.
- I'm not responsible to any old version of the plugin lying around in the internet due to being reposted.
- If you use my plugin for commercial purpose (game/paid extension), I have the right to ask a free access to your stuff IF I'm interested. *
- Exception for plugins stored in MIT folder, it uses MIT license.
- I have the right to change the terms as I see fit.
This does not mean I will ask the unencypted project of your game. Just the game *
I'm back at plugin making for MZ and will be strictly for MZ. All of the plugins inside the plugin folder is in ready to use. Although some of the plugin may need some optimization due to my lack understanding of JS and MZ during the making. You may report the problem if there is any.
Plugins on the Sandbox folder are not ready to use (I use it mostly for backup). But you're free to look at it.
I'm also currently making an independent action sequence engine dubbed as Theo's Battle Sequence Engine (you may look the glimpse here).