🌱Light and powerful C++ web framework for highly scalable and resource-efficient web application. It's zero-dependency and easy-portable.
Event-driven network library for multi-threaded Linux server in C++11
《Effective Modern C++》- 完成翻译
A Detailed Cplusplus Concurrency Tutorial 《C++ 并发编程指南》
A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
GraphRNN: Generating Realistic Graphs with Deep Auto-regressive Models
Code repository of all OpenGL chapters from the book and its accompanying website
Focus on the multi-source image fusion problem
Code for our papaer An α-Matte Boundary Defocus Model Based Cascaded Network for Multi-focus Image Fusion
Basic Stock Price Prediction Using KNN Algorithm. #Python
Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng on Coursera.
Diffprivlib: The IBM Differential Privacy Library
考研助手,利用了Bmob移动后端云服务平台和腾讯旗下的微社区,感谢imooc网和校园小菜的技术指导。 给考研学子们提供一个方便的工具,可以让他们收起鼠标和键盘,逃离喧闹狼藉的宿舍,在自习室里用手机就能查看大部分最重要的考研相关信息。在考研备考过程中要时常打开电脑上网到处浏览与考研相关的信息,生怕错过什么重要通知,那么,如果能有这么一款手机应用,它能够给考研学生带来一定的帮助,成为学子贴身的考…