Kubernetes deployment tooling.
- You can start with as little Kubernetes as you want - even on your laptop.
- Then progress to a gitops based application delivery platform when you need to.
Gimlet composes the best of open-source out of the box.
Linux / Mac
curl -L "https://github.com/gimlet-io/gimlet/releases/download/cli-v0.23.4/gimlet-$(uname)-$(uname -m)" -o gimlet
chmod +x gimlet
sudo mv ./gimlet /usr/local/bin/gimlet
gimlet --version
Gimlet is installable by a kubectl apply:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gimlet-io/gimlet/main/deploy/gimlet.yaml
or with a Helm chart:
helm template gimlet onechart/onechart -f fixtures/gimlet-helm-values.yaml -n default