Final project SAN 2019/20
Page is available at:
npm i
: install packagegulp
: start local server localhost:3000
More information about the project:
BEM methodology has been used in this project.
- Namespaces
Namespaces are used to add more scalability and maintainability to the code and to make it more self documented. There are few prefixed terms in use.
l-header, l-section
c-button, c-resulFlight, c-back
- a boolean flag
Original block/element name + double dash + mod name
.prefix-block--mod or .prefix=block__elem--mod - a key/value pair
Original block/element name + double dash + mod key name + single underscore + mod value
.prefix-block--key_value or .prefix-block__elem--key_value
For example:
<section class="l-section l-section--result">...</section>
<button class="c-button c-button__search c-button__search--clear">...</button>
<div class="c-flightResult">...</div>
<div class="c-flightResult__title">...</div>
Inspired by Dominique Briggs' solution
@mixin c-block\@screen_large {
.c-flightResult { styles }
@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {
@include c-flightResult\@screen_large;
The Sass architecture in this project is a modification of solution introduced in Hugo Giraudel's Sass Guidelines:
| |-- index.html # Template html
| |--app.js # Compile js.files
|-- abstracts/ # Global Mixins, Variables and Fonts
| |-- _abstracts-dir.scss
|-- base/ # Base styles, Typography, Reset
| |-- _base-dir.scss
|-- componets/ # Blocks, Elements and Modifiers
| |-- _components-dir.scss/
|-- layouts/ # Larger layout components and media-queries styles.
| |-- _layouts-dir.scss
|-- vendor/
| |-- _normalize.scss # Normalize.css v8.0.1
|-- style.scss # Main Scss file compiles to style.css
Gulp is a build system for automating tasks.
- Minification (Compress/Uglyfy)
- Compile Sass, LESS files for you
- Combining multiple js/css files into single file respectively
- Converting SVG icons to fonts
- Live browser reload
- CSS browser prefix can be automated for eg.
setting the working environment ->