Movie Recommender using the MovieLens dataset.
- linear and ALS models
- similar movies
- uses the full dataset
The movie recommender app is designed for AWS, but can also run locally. The code assumes that port 8000 is available.
- Python 3
- NumPy, SciPy
Change to the "app_local" directory. For example:
cd E:\proj2018\movies_recommend\python\app_local
Run the Python server:
Under Windows, try to avoid clicking inside the "python" command prompt Window. Doing so seems to freeze the Python interpreter until a key is pressed. If an API request is made during this "freeze" time period, there will be no response. Even after a key is pressed, the software might crash. In the event of software crash, rerun "python".
Open the website in a browser - double click "python/app_local/web_page/index.html"
- Python 3, with NumPy, SciPy, boto3, requests
- C++ compiler
Installing the MovieLens dataset
- This project uses the following file: links.csv, movies.csv, ratings.csv, tags.csv
- Copy the small dataset files to "python/100k_data/data/"
- Copy the large dataset files to "python/full_data/data/txt/"
The following network port numbers are assumed to be available:
- 8000 - used by "python/app_local/". Change via the "port_number" variable.
- 10000 - used by "" files. Change via the "port_number" variable.
- 10001 - used by "" files. Change via the "port_number" variable.
You do not have to do the following right away. You can return to this list when the code does not work.
For the "" file to work, the "api_key" variable needs to be specified.
AWS Lambda Build Bucket
For the "python/app/" and "" files to work, the "" needs to have a valid "s3_bucket_name" variable.
AWS Lambda API Endpoints
The API endpoints at "python/app/web_page/js/global.js", under the "lambda_apis" variable, need to be updated.
Under /doc:
- presentation.pptx - instructions for running the full project. There is a video presentation:
- movie_recommendation.docx - documentation for the source code