Alert Management is a component of ISMS, Information Security Management System This component will be responsible to collect alerts from different sources and will allow the administrator to manage them. There are Alert sources and Alert managers to function as Clients and Servers.
The Alert sources will be referred as Alert Generator (AG) hereafter. The alert generators will submit the alerts to centralized ISMS-alert collector. They are independent clients which represent a class of sources categorized by the types of alerts generated by them.
The Alert collector will be responsible for collecting alerts, displaying alerts and management of alerts. The Alert collector is responsible for collection and registration of alert generated from Alert Generators The Alert manager provides a UI for displaying the alerts.
Configurations of the django server
Contains the settings of the django server and the apps used by the server.ISMS uses postgresql database backend and alertcollector app.
Alert generator models and Alert collector views to respond to the requests sent by alert generator API.
Contains the alert generator, alert group and alert class models.
Attribute | DataType | Description |
alert_gen_id |
int |
alert_gen_name |
str |
alert_gen_author |
str |
deleted |
boolean |
alert_gen_ip |
str |
alert_gen_key |
int |
Attribute | DataType | Description |
alert_group_id |
int |
alert_group_name |
str |
alert_group_description |
str |
alert_gen |
alert generator |
deleted |
boolean |
Attributes | DataType | Description |
alert_class_id |
int |
alert_class_name |
str |
alert_class_description |
str |
alert_class_help |
str |
alert_class_syntax |
str |
alert_class_filter_syntax |
str |
alert_class_parent |
str |
alert_group |
alert group |
is_operator |
boolean |
is_filter |
boolean |
deleted |
boolean |
Contains the methods to respond to requests like registering alert generators.
The main views in are:
Method | Return Type | Parameters | Description |
add_generator |
Registers alert generator in database |
verify_generator |
Verifies alert generator |
update_generator |
Updates alert generator properties |
delete_generator |
Deletes alert generator from database |
add_group |
Registers alert group in database |
verify_group |
Verifies alert group |
update_group |
Updates alert group properties |
delete_group |
Deletes alert group from database |
add_class |
Registers alert class in database |
=================================== Response example ================================== VIEW add_generator() RESPONSE SENT {"status": "Generator already exists", "code": 200} ================================== ^^^ Contains the valid urls at which the alert generators can communicate with the views of alert collector app. functions ~~~ Client Functions of the alert collector. ^^^ Contains funtions for the alert collector to send requests to alert generators like instantiating alert generator and profiling alert generator. Methods + The main methods of are: [align="center",options="header"] |
============================================ |
Method |
Return Type |
Parameters |
Description |
get_ip |
retrieves ip of generator from database |
instantiate_alert_generator |
sends alert instantiation request to generator |
profile_alert_generator |
sends alert profiling request to generator |
============================================ Parameters
[align="center",options="header"] |
===================================== |
Parameter |
Description |
gen_name |
Name of the alert generator |
alert_class_id |
ID of the alert group |
alert_id |
ID of the alert class instance |
args |
dict of the attributes of instance |
==================================== Function call example =========================================== FUNCTION instantiate_alert_generator("HIDS","TCP_MISSING","12133",{"port":"80"}) RESPONSE RECEIVED {"status":"alert generator instantiated","code":200} ======================================== config ~~ Files to generate API to the alert generators client ^^ Files to generate API to the alert generators IMPORTANT Required for authentication purpose.Necessarily needs to be private to the alert collector Function to generate a unique key and copy of API to the newly registered alert generator, which is used for further communication between alert generator and alert collector. server ^^ server_conf.ini
INI file for storing database configurations of the alert collector [align="center",options="header"] |
===================================== |
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Name of the alert collector database |
user |
Username of postgresql database backend |
password |
Password of postgresql database backend |
===================================== logs ~~ Activity logs of the client and server of the alert collector. LEVELS ^^^ Levels of severity of the log records ------------- DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR ------------- client.log ^^^^ Records log about the client communication with the alert generators ========== Wed, 16 Jul 2014 12:20:05 INFO Sending POST Request to alert generator HIDS ========= server.log ^^^^ Records logs about the server communication with the alert generators ========= Tue, 15 Jul 2014 15:55:48 INFO Successfully registered alert class TCPPORT_MISSING ======== ~~~~ Handles the functioning of django server of the alert collector. API --- API ~ ^^^^^ Contains the settings of the django server and the apps used by the API.API uses server app and functions provided by the alert generator to respond to requests ^^^ Contains the valid urls at which alert collector can communicate with the API server server ~~ ^^^^ Contains the methods to respond to requests like instantiating alert generators. Methods + The views of the alert generator API are: [align="center",options="header"] |
===================================== |
Method |
Return Type |
Parameters |
Description |
instance_create |
Instantiating the alert generator |
alert_profile |
|Method |Return Type |Parameters |Description s|get_server_ip m|ip(str) m|- e|Retrieves the IP of alert collector from server_conf.ini file s|register_alert_generator m|name(str) ,author(str) ,ip(str), key(int) m|response(str) e|Registering alert generator s|verify_alert_generator m|name(str) ,author(str) ,ip(str), key(int) m|response(str) e|Verifying alert generator s|update_alert_generator m|name(str) ,author(str) ,ip(str), key(int), args(dict) m|response(str) e|Updating properties of alert generator s|delete_alert_generator m|name(str) ,author(str) ,ip(str), key(int) m|response(str) e|Deleting alert generator s|register_alert_group m|name(str), desc(str), gen(name), author(str), ip(str), key(int) m|response e|Registering alert group s|verify_alert_group m|name(str), desc(str), gen(name), author(str), ip(str), key(int) m|response e|Verifies alert group s|update_alert_group m|name(str), desc(str), gen(name), author(str), ip(str), key(int), args(dict) m|response e|Updates properties of alert group s|delete_alert_group m|name(str), desc(str), gen(name), author(str), ip(str), key(int) m|response m|Deletes alert group s|register_alert_class m|name(str) desc(str) help(str) syntax(str), filter(str), parent(str), group(str), ip(str), key(int) m|Registers the alert class
[align="center",options="header"] |
|Parameter |Description s|name e|Name of alert generator/group/class s|author e|Author of alert generator who registered it s|ip e|IP address of the alert generator author s|key e|Key provided by alert collector during registration s|desc e|Description of alert group s|gen e|Generator to which the alert group belongs to s|group e|Group to which the alert class belongs to s|help e|Help information about the alert class s|syntax e|Syntax regarding the alert class s|filter e|Class can be filtered (Empty string means False) s|parent e|Parent alert class of the alert class
Function call example =========================================== FUNCTION register_alert_generator("HIDS","admin",,2345325)) RESPONSE RECEIVED {"status": "Generator already exists", "code": 200} ======================================== config ~~ Configuration files of the alert generator and alert collector client ^^ Client configuration like path to functions to instantiate alerts. client_conf.ini
[align="center",options="header"] |
===================================== |
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Name of the alert generator |
functions |
Path to the functions of the alert generator |
===================================== server ^^ Server configuration server_conf.ini
[align="center",options="header"] |
===================================== |
Parameter |
Description |
name |
Name of the alert collector |
ip |
IP address of the alert collector to send requests for alert registration |
===================================== ~~~~ Handles the functioning of django server of the alert generator. ------------------ Author: Maniteja Date: July 2014 ------------------ |