[Information Fusion (Vol.103, Mar. '24)] Boosting Image Matting with Pretrained Plain Vision Transformers
GeoCalib: Learning Single-image Calibration with Geometric Optimization (ECCV 2024)
An Open-source Deep Learning Framework for Visual Place Recognition
Code for "PolyDiffuse: Polygonal Shape Reconstruction via Guided Set Diffusion Models", NeurIPS 2023
A toolbox for benchmarking SOTA discriminative and generative geometry estimation models.
Official Implementation of CVPR24 highligt paper: Matching Anything by Segmenting Anything
Implementation of XFeat (CVPR 2024). Do you need robust and fast local feature extraction? You are in the right place!
Code release for CVPR'24 submission 'OmniGlue'
A framework to easily use 32 (and growing) different image matching methods
Three.js-based implementation of 3D Gaussian splatting
[ECCV 2024] "BAD-Gaussians: Bundle Adjusted Deblur Gaussian Splatting". ⚡Train a scene from real-world blurry images in minutes!
End2End Multi-View Feature Matching with Differentiable Pose Optimization
Robust Shape Fitting for 3D Scene Abstraction
A minimal PyTorch implementation of Bundle Adjustment
A library for differentiable nonlinear optimization
A Unified Framework for Surface Reconstruction
MegBA: A GPU-Based Distributed Library for Large-Scale Bundle Adjustment
GPU implementation of LATCH descriptor & matcher.
A Yeoman generator to author libraries in ES2015 (and beyond!) for Node and the browser.
LoopBack makes it easy to build modern applications that require complex integrations.
Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone.