- this was one of my first group projects I did when I was 12 at bath and presented in front of 800 people from various companies such as google and others at the festival of code hosted by young rewired, it's made in Objective-C.
- A link to our presentation https://www.slideshare.net/hazamajaza/fdbar-presentation
- you can find more information about this here https://www.bathhacked.org/news/bath-young-rewired-state-festival-of-code-2015/ just scroll down to find our presentation.
My Personally made Ecommerce Website: https://github.com/manmadeharp/Ecommerce_Store_V4
- This is a clone of some ecommerce websites that I've seen online such as amazon, curry's and others alike.
- It was made using MongoDB Express React and Node.js.
- I made it myself with the help of documenation given by each stack and a few different Videos.
- this is a self-made project
- the rest of the previously made versions are located in my github repos, V3 is another successful attempt at a ecommerce store that uses very different methods
My group made Ecommerce Website : https://github.com/manmadeharp/Online-tech-shop
- this was made by a group of three I was in during CodeNation.
- I lead the team I was in by setting the tasks, problems to solve and teaching my other team how to solv these problems
- it uses HandleBars Express MongoDB and Node.js
My youtube Django Project: https://github.com/manmadeharp/youtube-django
this was made using Django and SQLite it allows you to create and use an account to upload videos and comment on them as a User.
My Portfolio: https://github.com/manmadeharp/Portfolio
this is a page I created to present my skills and give an idea of my level of ability in programming.
I have more information about my history with programming and my passion and goals for the future and what I can do for you.
My Python Project Repo: https://github.com/manmadeharp/Python-Projects
- This is a series of projects that I started on the 18/11/2020 where I think of randomly throughout my days of different problems that I want to solve.
- my first project I uploaded to this repo is a series I am doing myself on Number Theory using Python.
- I will be Continuing to think of new problems to solve in the future, it will likely be in the domain of Data science and mathematics :)