server connection $ssh [email protected]
Call from dir: /mman/home/czechgrids_local/R_outputs
R -q --vanilla < /home/mman/czechgrids_local/R_outputs/manual_predictions_server.R > manual_predictions_server.output
R -q --vanilla < manual_predictions_server.R > manual_predictions_server.output
outputs are stored in /mman/home/czechgrids_local/R_outputs
Warning: R output "manual_predictions_server.output" is overwritten in any run
Default is for whole CR. In case of subset, needs to be manually edited around lines 99-100 and 276-286. Or search for "!!edit"
In header of "manual_predictions_server.R" there is list of task params.
- taxon_name="Lewinskya rupestris" #select the name of species from DaLiBor database
- includes_absence=FALSE # default. DaLiBor data never includes absence
- pseudoabsence_count=161 # default. generate the same number of psudo absence as presence data count
- epsg=4326 # default, DaLiBor data are in WGS84
- area_type="cr" # variable, select are type, default=cr, in case of other type, scrips needs to be manually edited
- area_buffer=3000 # buffer size in case of buffer area_type