Date of submission :- 2020/10/17
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Support spring server repository :-
We are the second year undergraduates of sliit:
Team - Weekend wariours
Team - members
Manuka yasas
Bandara M.H.M.N.D.T
A.M.W.W.R.L. Wataketiya
Ronicy was designed and developed in order to host classified advertisements generated by an user. More over Ronicy can be used as an platform for online sellers/freelancers to grow their business . We have used various technologies in order to improve and maintain our sellers and buyers communication. Even though this project was made as an assignment, the scope of most of the components were made in order to support a large scale business/service. Ronicy was designed and developed based on the modern UI/UX techniques referring to many resources, so that we as developers can provide the best for all our users. Also UI designs were made simple and responsive so that it will improve the usability and assist us to retain our customers.
Security is a key factor that needs to to be designed and developed in order to safeguard our customers from Identity thefts and other common attacks. In order to to develop a power secure application we need to provide both database level protection as well as an UI level protection, this application is secured by considering both of these security measures. Most latest technologies that couple with firebase are used in order to improve the security measures of Ronicy. According to the structure of this assignment, we had to maintain users groups(Administrators, Customers) in our client application, which is not safe. Even though that was very challenging, we developed the security by using Firebase inbuilt Authentication schema and customized it according to our requirements by using a spring boot application and tested its usability and performance very well. Facebook auth provider, OTP services, Mail services were integrated in order to improve and enhance the user experience . Users have full control to manage their local account created on Ronicy.
To host advertisements on Ronicy is absolutely free and easy, an authenticated user can simply post an advertisement by providing advertisement details, contact details, location and finally proving his identity. Once a user post an advertisement, our Ronicy team will manually respond to all advertisements posted and approve or reject them. Only approved and available ads will be displayed on the public feed. Customers can manage their advertisements and they have full control on the visibility of the advertisements. Customers can also purchase products with Ronicy. This feature is available for an anonymous user even, customer needs to provide the delivery information, confirm their identity and finally the payment. Payment can be made easily and securely through Payhere payment gateway as well as cash on delivery is also supported by Ronicy. To improve these features mail services have been integrated and tested very well before launching the application to the public. At this moment, posting an advertisement under BUYNOW tag is restricted for the general public and can be only used by Team Ronicy. We will be testing more on the payment gateways, OTP services and expect to provide control of this feature to our customers. Managing orders were made easy with Ronicy.
Public feed is available for all users, advertisements can be classified and searched with any combination. To improve the searching and filtration , technologies that effectively couple with firebase such as Algolia are used after multiple testings’ and validations. Spring boot project and a Node JS project was made in order to support this component.
Any user can promote a advertisement in ronicy and there are 5 types of promotions. Spotlight ads will appear on the top for all users, Top ads will appear in the top 2 slots in each page, Bundle ads - here the advertisement will appear top on the similar ads and also will be promoted as an urgent advertisement, urgent ads - an urgent watermark will be displayed here and last the daily boast ads - here the advertisement will be promoted and updated daily and will never go bellow in the public advertisement feed. By considering the drawbacks of the modern applications we have designed this feature therefore user can promote already promoted advertisement even. Promotion will be applied after we manually approve it.
Firebase cloud messaging as well as in app messaging was integrated to improve the user experience when using Ronicy.
An authenticated user can save an advertisement under their favorites collection also full control on this collection was given to the user after consider the drawbacks of modern applications in the industry. User may repeatedly ring the same person/owner of an advertisement and user might need to save important details that were discussed with the owner after contacting, therefore this component was designed and developed by considering all requirements of our customers.
Maintaining the communication between our sellers and customers was an important requirement of the application. Sellers might not be available at the time our customers/buyers contact and some sellers dislike to expose their contact details for the public. Therefore a simple but powerful chat application was developed by team Ronicy as an solution for the above communication issues.
As it is mentioned above, even though this application was made as an assignment the scope extends up to a large scale service and the development of this application was started on august 14 – 16 also we had to face examinations, other assignments and projects during this development period. Therefore having bugs, glitches is no surprise, so that we made an component to report bugs, customer requirements and other suggestions. Our team Ronicy will be responding for all genuine bugs and suggestions individually and expects to develop this project even after the submission.
- Designing and developing the home component of Ronicy.
- Designing and developing the entire Security component of Ronicy.
- Designing and developing the entire Searching indexes using Algolia.
- Designing and developing the Advertisement Component.
- Designing and developing the Order component.
- Designing and developing the Advertisement promotion component.
- Designing and developing the Customer Profile component.
- Designing and developing the Administration panel for all members.
- Designing and developing the Admin’s Advertisement analytics.
- Designing and developing the Admin’s Orders analytics.
- Designing and developing the Backend server for managing User levels(JWT), Promotions, Advertisements, Algolia indexing, Firebase cloud messaging and Firebase in app messeging
- Designing and developing the Firebase Admin’s SDK on Spring boot.
- Test cases and database rules for Client Mobile application, Spring server and for firebase cloud database.
- Following the MVC Architecture
- Integrating Firebase Auth provider
- Integrating Facebook Auth provider
- Integrating Google Firebase OTP services
- Integrating Algolia with Spring Server and Node JS server
- Integrating Payhere payment gateway
- Developing an Inbuilt Mail service(Asynchronous)
- Strict following the Android developers guide(Google)
- Using firebase Fire store/ Fire cloud as the database
- Developing security constraints for databases
- Integrating Google Admob
- Firebase cloud messaging as well as in app messaging was integrated.
Spring server url
- Designing and developing the Customer Favourites component.
- Designing and developing the get in touch component.
- Designing and developing the bugs and suggestions report component.
- Designing and developing the administration related to bugs report component.