This project is a guided exercise from the Swift Fundamentals book, developed using Xcode 15. The Apple Pie Game is a word-guessing game where players try to complete a hidden word by guessing one letter at a time. Players have a limited number of incorrect guesses before the game ends.
Word Guessing: Players guess letters to complete a hidden word.
Limited Attempts: Players have a set number of incorrect guesses (represented by a visual apple ) before losing the game.
Interactive UI: Provides real-time feedback on correct and incorrect guesses.
Predefined Word List: The game selects words from a predefined list for players to guess.
Language: Swift
IDE: Xcode 15
Frameworks: UIKit
macOS with a Swift development environment
Model: Manages the game's logic, including guessing mechanics and tracking incorrect guesses.
ViewController: Handles user interactions and updates the UI based on the game state.
UI: Comprises simple buttons, labels, and images to create an interactive experience.
Clone the repository Open the ApplePie.xcodeproj file in Xcode. Build and run the project in the simulator or on a physical device.