The Recipe Finder is a simple website that allows users to search for various meal recipes based on ingredients they provide. It fetches data from the Edamam API to display a list of meals, and users can click on any meal to view its details and get the recipe. This website is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, providing a smooth and intuitive user experience with a clean interface.
- HTML: For structuring the web pages.
- CSS: For styling and designing the user interface.
- JavaScript: For the core functionality, including fetching data from the API and handling user interactions.
- Edamam API: For retrieving meal recipes based on user input.
The project consists of the following files:
- index.html: The main HTML file that contains the structure of the webpage.
- style.css: The CSS file for styling the web page, ensuring a clean and modern look.
- script.js: The JavaScript file responsible for the dynamic features, such as fetching recipes from the API, displaying search results, and showing detailed recipe information.
- bg.jpeg: A background image used to enhance the aesthetics of the webpage.
- bg.jpeg: The background image file for the web app.
- index.html: The entry point for the web app, which includes the search bar and recipe display area.
- script.js: Contains the JavaScript code for fetching and displaying recipes based on user input.
- style.css: The file where all the CSS rules for the layout and design are written.
- Clone the Repository:
- Open the Project:
Navigate to the folder where the project is located and open
in your browser. - API Key Setup:
- If required, you will need an API key from Edamam. You can get one by signing up at Edamam's API portal.
- After obtaining your API key, update the
file with your Edamam API key:const app_id = 'YOUR_APP_ID'; const app_key = 'YOUR_APP_KEY';
- View the Application:
in your preferred web browser. Use the search bar to find recipes based on the ingredients you provide, and enjoy exploring new meal ideas.