Contains python code samples for all tutorials of
All samples were tested on Python27 win64(But should work for other version).
Install all requirement modules with pip
pip.exe install -r path_to_LearnPyOpenGL_repo\requirements.txt
To run the samples you need to add the pysrc to PYTHONPATH
SET PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;path_to_LearnPyOpenGL_repo\pysrc
C:\Python27\python.exe path_to_LearnPyOpenGL_repo\pysrc\1.getting_started\
C:\Python27\Scripts\vritrualenv.exe learnPyOpenGL
learnPyOpenGL\Scripts\pip.exe install -r path_to_LearnPyOpenGL_repo\requirements.txt
SET PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;path_to_LearnPyOpenGL_repo\pysrc
learnPyOpenGL\Scripts\python.exe path_to_LearnPyOpenGL_repo\pysrc\1.getting_started\
Untest but is should work too. You need to compile assimp and add it to the system's path so pyassimp can find the Or the model loding samples will not work.
Same as linux
It might had small bugs.