A custom game controller software like WWTBAM.
This software can be used to run your own Who Wants To Be A Millionaire games. For example at home, on Discord with friends or on a Youtube video/livestream. There will be new features in the future to play around with. But there are a lot of elements that you can use:
- Max. 4 lifelines.
- Host and Contestant screen
- TV/Livestream screen
- Fastest Finger First (+ online features).
- Risk Mode
- Compatible with Microsoft SQL Server (local and server)
- Easy to use Questions editor.
New features, releases, suggestions and issues will be documented in this GitHub repository.
- Download the latest (or other) release and extract the zip file to the desired folder.
- Run MillionaireGame.exe
- When you launch it for the first time, the database file will be created automatically for you.
- You are ready to go!
To use the online features of Fastest Finger First, you need to setup the following:
- Open the 'FFF Server' in the application. At first, Windows Firewall asks if you want to allow this program. Click 'Allow' or 'Yes'.
- On your router, port 3818 must be open so that other people can join.
- The contestants need to have the application 'FFF_Client.exe' to connect to your FFF session. In the texbox, enter the needed IP address.
- Choose the preferred player slot (1-8).
- When the 'Connect' button on the client changes to 'Disconnect', then the contestant is connected.
- This lifeline is only activated when Risk Mode is activated!
15 - 1.000.000
14 - 500.000
13 - 250.000
12 - 125.000
11 - 64.000
10 - 32.000
9 - 16.000
8 - 8.000
7 - 4.000
6 - 2.000
5 - 1.000
4 - 750
3 - 500
2 - 250
1 - 100
You can download one of the releases: here !