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vim configuration

this repository contains configurations for linux,mac and windows

Plugin Management

I use vim-plug to install plugins and keep them up to date. Before I used Vundle but found that I could bring down my startup time 25% by loading some plugins lazy. Merely switching to vim-plug without any lazy loading already gave a 10% boost.

The drawback is that it requires +ruby (Neovim works out-of-the-box).

needed 3rd party tools

  • fzf (will be installed automatically)

  • rust

    curl -sSf | sh rustup component add rust-src

  • ripgrep

    cargo install ripgrep

  • clang++

    sudo apt install clang


make sure ruby is installed (here I'm using rbenv and ruby-build):

If you've installed rbenv manually using git, you can upgrade your installation to the cutting-edge version at any time.

$ cd ~/.rbenv
$ git pull
  • ruby-build

On Ubuntu ruby has some prerequisites:

sudo apt-get install libc6-dev libssl-dev libmysql++-dev libsqlite3-dev make build-essential
sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libreadline6-dev zlib1g-dev libyaml-dev

git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
rbenv install 2.2.0
rbenv rehash
rbenv global 2.2.0

Now clone the vim config

first clone the git repo:

git clone ~/.config/nvim

alternatively over ssh:

git clone [email protected]:marcmo/vimfiles.git ~/.config/nvim

the init.vim file will work per default for linux systems, for MacOS change it to:

source $HOME/.config/nvim/_vimrc_universal
source $HOME/.config/nvim/_vimrc_mac

Install the awesome plug plugin-manager:

curl -fLo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

to setup vim with all plugins: start vim and install plugins using


enable Python3 interface with pip

sudo pip3 install neovim

enable remote plugins for neovim


Trouble Shooting

neovim python interface

make sure the python plugin is up to date for both pip2 and pip3

pip2 show neovim
pip3 show neovim

has to be the same. Upgrade with:

sudo pip2 install neovim --upgrade
sudo pip3 install neovim --upgrade

VIM cheatsheet

Recently added

count occurrences of pattern


delete all lines with 2 consecutive repeated words


From vimgolf

challenge 51459ef6b94aa50002000002


":	Contains the most recent executed command-line.  Example: Use
  "@:" to repeat the previous command-line command.

"= (Expression register)
It inserts the result from an expression
e.g. evaluate math expression:
  * in insert mode: <C-R>=pow(4,2)/3<enter>
  * in normal mode: "=pow(4,2)/3<Enter>p

add comma to end of each line

:'<,'>norm A,

copy last command to clipboard

let @*=@:

copy last search to clipboard

let @*=@/

copy all lines + the 2 following that match a pattern

this will first clear the register a, append every line containing the pattern + the folling 2 lines into register a

:let @a=""
:g/pattern/y A 3

Window Commands

Ctrl-W t     -- makes the first (topleft) window current
Ctrl-W K     -- moves the current window to full-width at the very top
Ctrl-W H     -- moves the current window to full-height at far left

switch from vertical split to horizontal split fast

Ctrl-W t Ctrl-W H   -- horizonal split -> vertical split
Ctrl-W t Ctrl-W K   -- vertical split -> horizonal split


g_                  -- move to the last non-blank character of the current line

hex value

ga                  -- display hex,ascii value of char under cursor


  • The :normal command takes a set of characters and performs whatever action they would do if they were typed in normal mode

  • normal! doesn't recognize "special characters" like

    :normal >> -- Vim will indent the current line.


The execute takes a string and performs it as a command. Run this:

:execute "write"    -- Vim will write your file, just as if you had typed :write

making list of numbers

insert a list of ascending numbers

:put =range(11,13)      -- inserts 3 lines after the current line:

will result in:


with a for loop

:for i in range(1,3) | put ='192.168.0.'.i | endfor

Substitute with ascending numbers

:let i=1 | g/abc/s//\='xyz_'.i/ | let i=i+1
-- replaces abc's with xyz_1,xyz_2,...

Vim Regex (regular expressions)

\v or very magic (usually) reduces backslashing

span newlines in regex: use _. instead of .

:\vstart\_.+end     -- will select multiple lines from [start] to [end]

use ruby regex for string replacement

:rubydo gsub /pattern/,'replacement'  -- Equivalent to s/pattern/replacement/g (also works on visual selections):

convert decimal numbers to hex

:%s/\d\+/\=printf("0x%04x", submatch(0))/gc

repeat command-line

@:      -- repeat last : command (then @@)

When replacing:

& is the text that matches the search pattern
\& is ampersand
\r is newline
\n is a null byte (0x00).
\1 inserts the text of the 1. backreference a.s.o.

delete all whitespaces up to next word


paste in visual mode

block has to be selected visually

I               -- put cursor at the start of the first row of the block
A               -- put cursor at the end of the first row of the block
Ctrl-R + [Reg]  -- puts the content of [Register] at cursor position
Esc             -- propagates the paste to all lines of visual selection

Copy content of registers

:let @+=@"  -- will copy the content of the '"'-register to the global '+'-register

Using normal-mode motions in command-line mode

Ctrl-F  -- open command-line window when in Vim command-line
<Enter> -- will run the command
Ctrl-C  -- return to standard command-line

append to a named register use it's corresponding upper case character

"ayy  -- yank line to register a
"Ayy  -- yank line and append to reg a

replace/substitute in visual selection


replace/substitute using magic regular expression extension

:%s/\v"(\S*)"/*|\1|*/g      --  replace all strings in quotes

GOTO Column

80| -- go to the 80th column

move cursor beyond end of line

set virtualedit=all

Save a file you edited in vim without the needed permissions (e.g. readonly file) (force write)

:w !sudo tee %

display vim runtime information

:mess     -- display recent error messages of vim
:reg      -- display contents of all registers

go to previous/next edited file/position


display lines that do not contain a pattern

/\v^(.*Warning)@!.*$      -- will find all lines that do not include Warning

remove ^M from windows file

:s%/^V^M//g -- i.e. Ctrl-V,Ctrl-m

node.js for jslint

curl -L | tar xz --strip 1 -C .
npm install .

in vimrc:

augroup js
    set makeprg=jslint\ %
    set efm=%f:%l:%c:%m
augroup END

add config file for jslint: ~/.jslint

  "predef":   [
  "browser" : false,
  "devel" : false,
  "rhino" : false,
  "es5" : false,
  "widget": false,
  "windows" : false,
  "onvar" : true

convert to match the current tab settings


display key mapping/binding

:map          -- normal, visual, select and operator pending mode
:map!         -- insert and command-line mode.
:nmap         -- normal mode maps
:imap         -- insert mode maps
:vmap         -- visual and select mode maps
:smap         -- select mode maps
:xmap         -- visual mode maps
:cmap         -- command-line mode maps
:omap         -- operator pending mode maps

edit previous file

CTRL-6 or :e#

when the plugin is a git repo:

cd ~/.vim && mkdir ~/.vim/bundle
git submodule add bundle/fugitive
git add .
git commit -m "Install Fugitive.vim bundle as a submodule."

setting up vim in new environment:

git clone git:// ~/.vim
ln -s ~/.vim/_vimrc_universal ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
cd ~/.vim

install plugins via vundle (in vim)


use vim from irb

  • in irb, enter: vi + Enter
  • to store file: :w myfile.rb
  • to continue irb with a file: vi 'myfile.rb' + Enter

command line window

q/            -- show history of search patterns
q:            -- show history of commands
C-f           -- switch to command line window while in command line mode


C-T           -- ctags, jump back from the definition
:tn           -- next
:tp           -- previous

run vim without plugins

vim -u "NONE" hugefile.log

Other useful things

surround plugin

csw'          -- surround word with '
yssb or yss)  -- wrap the entire line in parentheses
cs"'          -- change from "xyz" to 'xyz'
cs'<q>        -- change from 'xyz' to <q>xyz</q>
cst'          -- change from <q>xyz</q> to 'xyz'

external filters

:%!xargs -L1 cmd -- execute cmd for several lines (from
:'<,'>w !sh     -- execute visual selection as shell command
:!rake -T       -- show all rakefile targets
:%!filter       -- put whole file through filter  (e.g. :%!sort)
:!filter        -- put (visual) selection through filter   (for reversing lines looks like this: '<,'>!tac )
:,!command      -- replace current line with command output
:read !command  -- insert command output in next line
!!sh<cr>        -- execute line (e.g. "date") in shell and replace with result: (equivalent to :r!date)
map <f9> :w<CR>:!python %<CR>   -- run current file with external program

capture output in register (e.g. :history)

:redir @a       -- redirect output of a command to register
:set all        -- command that has some output
:redir END

vi as command line editor:

  • in e.g. .bashrc: set -o vi
  • on command line: esc to normal mode, v drops into vi


u                       -- Undo the last action.
U                       -- Undo all the latest changes that were made to the current line
Ctrl + r                -- Redo
'g+' and 'g-'           -- go "back in time"
':earlier' and ':later' -- take a time descriptor like 7m or 1h
:undo n                 -- jump to specific nodes in the tree using
                        -- (n is a number of an action, all actions are numbered sequentially as you do them.)
:undolist               -- look up the number of the actions on the leaves of the undo tree via.
                        -- This will let you jump between branches easily.
                        -- You can then use u and Ctrl-R to move up and down that branch.

search and replace

:%s/,/\r/g            -- replace "," with newlines (nice!)
:g/pattern/p          -- print all lines that contain "pattern".
:g/pattern            -- is equivalent.
:v/pattern/d          -- filter text: delete all lines that do not contain a pattern, e.g. use with regex mode \v: :v/\v\s(cpp|h)/d
:%s/foo/<c-r>a/g      -- Replace each occurrence of 'foo' with the contents of register 'a'. (useful if the register contains many lines of text)
:%s/foo/\=@a/g        -- Replace each occurrence of 'foo' with the contents of register 'a'. (useful if the register contains many lines of text)
:%s//bar/g            -- Replace each match of the last search pattern with 'bar'.
/\(yes\|no\)          -- regex OR operator, finds yes or no
:g/gladiolli/#        -- display with line numbers (YOU WANT THIS!)
:vmap // y/<C-R>"<CR> -- search for visually highlighted text
/fred\_s*joe/         -- multiline search (any whitespace including newline)
:%s/search/replace/gc -- When you run this search, Vim will give you a prompt that looks something like this: replace with foo (y/n/a/q/l/^E/^Y)?
'*'                   -- searches forward for the next occurrence of the word under the cursor ('#' does the same backwards
n                     -- search again with the last search string
N                     -- search backwards with the last search string

[I                    -- show lines matching word under cursor <cword> (super)


:Bonly      -- close all buffers but the current one (BufOnly plugin)
[I          -- show lines matching word under cursor <cword> (super)
:set list   -- display invisible characters (:set list!  will "unset" the option)
d/while     -- delete everything from cursor position to the next occurence of "while"
gf          -- open file name under cursor (SUPER)
~           -- changes case of current letter
:cd %:h     -- change to the dir of the current file

insert mode commands

<C-t> and <C-d>   -- change indent level (increment/decrement)
<C-N><C-P>        -- word completion in insert mode
<C-R>q            -- display contents of register q (insert mode)
<C-W>             -- delete previous word

works only on command line:

<C-R><C-W>      -- pull word under the cursor into a command line or search
<C-R><C-A>      -- pull WORD under the cursor into a command line or search
<C-R> -         -- pull small register
<C-R> [0-9a-z]  -- pull named registers
<C-R> %         -- pull file name (also #)

entering/leaving ex-mode:

Q       -- enter 'ex'
visual  -- leave 'ex'

ex commands:

delete  d   -- Delete lines
move    m   -- Move lines
copy    co  -- Copy lines
:3,18d                    -- Delete lines 3 through 18.
:160,224m23               -- Move lines 160 through 244 to follow line 23. (Like delete and put in vi.)
:23,29co100               -- Copy lines 23 through 29 and put after line 100. (Like yank and put in vi.)
:1,100w newfile           -- copy lines 1 through 100 to a new file
:/pattern/d               -- Delete the next line containing pattern.
:/pattern1/,/pattern2/d   -- Delete from the first line containing pattern1 through the first line containing pattern2.
:.,/pattern/m23           -- Take text from current line (.) through the first line containing pattern and put after line 23.


ccl       -- close quickfix window
cc[nr]    -- jump to error nr
cn        -- jump to next error
cp        -- jump to previous error
cw        -- open quickfix window with current error list


vim -d file1 file2        : vimdiff (compare differences)
:vert diffsplit other.txt  -- view diff to other file
:diffthis                 -- use diff on current buffer
:diffoff                  -- turn diff off on current buffer
:diffoff!                 -- turn diff off on all buffers
dp                        -- "put" difference under cursor to other file
do                        -- "get" difference under cursor from other file
]c                        -- jump to next difference
[c                        -- jump to prev. difference
:windo diffthis           -- diff for all open windows

complex diff parts of same file N

:1,2yank a | 7,8yank b
:tabedit | put a | vnew | put b

Recording macros

qq      -- record to register 'q' your complex series of commands
q       -- end recording
@q      -- execute
@@      -- Repeat
5@@     -- Repeat 5 times

recreate past state

gv   -- reselect last visual area (ultra)
gi   -- go to last edited location and enter insert mode
'.   -- jump to last modification line (SUPER)
`.   -- jump to exact spot in last modification line
g;   -- cycle thru recent changes (oldest first)
g,   -- reverse direction


<C-A>,<C-X>         -- increment,decrement number under cursor
<C-R>=4*5           -- insert 25 into text (mini-calculator)


gg      -- Goto start of file
G       -- Goto end of file
:54     -- Goto line 54
Ctrl-E  -- scroll up, 'e'xtra lines
Ctrl-Y  -- scroll down
Ctrl-D  -- scroll window down
Ctrl-U  -- scroll window up
Ctrl-B  -- move one screen 'b'ackward
Ctrl-F  -- move one screen 'f'orward
%       -- Goto matching #if #else,{},(),[],/* */
'f' + any character -- find its next occurrence in the line
'H', 'M' and 'L'    -- take the cursor directly to the 'H'ighest, 'M'iddle, or 'L'ower line on the screen
'zt', 'zz' and 'zb' -- keep the cursor at the current position, but scroll the view so that it falls at the 't'op, 'z' center, or 'b'ottom of the screen

change word till

ctu  -- change word up to character 'u' (Change To 'u')


C-p, C-x C-p        -- Autocompletion
<C-N><C-P>          -- word completion in insert mode
<C-X><C-L>          -- Line complete SUPER USEFUL
<C-X><C-F>          -- insert name of a file in current directory
'q:' or ':<Ctrl-f>' -- gives the command history window

file stuff

:sp or :vsp for vertical split    -- open new view on same file
vim -p fred.php joe.php           -- open files in tabs


ctrl+w ctrl+w     -- jump to other buffer


execute ghci:
:set makeprg=ghci\ %


:make                 -- load into GHCi, show errors (|quickfix| |:copen|)
_ct                   -- create |tags| file
CTRL-]                -- jump to definition
CTRL-W_CTRL_]         -- open definition in split window
:copen                -- open error browser
:cclose               -- close error browser
:GHCi take 5 [1..]    -- evaluates expression in ghci

using terminal e.g.

:!term ghci Main.hs   -- prerequisite: provide term script that opens terminal!


ZZ          -- save and quit
yiw         -- copy current word
viw         -- select current word
D           -- (Delete up to end of line. )(short for "d$")
d0          -- delete to beginning of line
dk          -- delete current line and line above
dj          -- delete current line and line below
diw         -- delete word under the cursor (excluding white space)
daw         -- delete word under the cursor (including white space)
dG          -- delete u or change command.
'o'         -- to create a new line below, 'O' to enter one above
'>>' '<<'   -- shift line right/left
>           -- indent section  useful with Shift+v%
<           -- unindent section  remember . to repeat and u to undo
di>         -- to extract everything within <hello> or di" for "hello"
            'i'         -- to any of them for the 'inside' contents, or
            'a'         -- to include the delimiting characters too.
'>aB' or '>iB'  -- ("indent a Block")
yyp         -- duplicate current line

Joining Lines

J     -- Join Lines to One. Ex J,3J
gJ    -- Join Lines without Spaces


:set spell  -- enter spell checker, after :set spelllang=en_GB.UTF-8 (mapped to F4)
]s          -- " next spelling error after the cursor
[s          -- " jump backwards
z=          -- " over a misspelled word you'll be presented with a list of suggested spellings
zg          -- " add it to your personal dictionary
zw          -- " add it to the bad word list with

Replacing Charcter

r<Charcter> (Replace Charater Under Cursour. Ex. ru,5ra,3r<Enter> )


ma    -- to set mark 'a'
'a    -- to jump to this mark
`a	  -- jump to position (line and column) of mark a


zf#j        -- creates a fold from the cursor down # lines.
zf/string   -- creates a fold from the cursor to string .
zj          -- moves the cursor to the next fold.
zk          -- moves the cursor to the previous fold.
zo          -- opens a fold at the cursor.
zO          -- opens all folds at the cursor.
zm          -- increases the foldlevel by one.
zM          -- closes all open folds.
zr          -- decreases the foldlevel by one.
zR          -- decreases the foldlevel to zero -- all folds will be open.
zd          -- deletes the fold at the cursor.
zE          -- deletes all folds.
[z          -- move to start of open fold.
]z          -- move to end of open fold.


my vim config






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