I'll scan liftOver chain files (hg38 based) to find insertions in other genomes relative to human
To scan all insertions (across >50 mammalian genomes), run:
./src/getAssemblyInsertions.py <assembly>
(assembly for example is mm10, rn6, bosTau8 etc.) -
Output for a given assembly is a bed file with four fields, eg: in the file: output_examples/mm10.gapsInChains.bed
chr5 178604087 178604087 196_SS_gap587_0_13
chr7 154699597 154699710 152_DS_gap3018_113_99
chr13 78498645 78498749 23_DS_gap22218_104_1451
chr20 9824436 9824623 22_DS_gap8377_187_119
the 4'th field string read as: <chainID>_<gap-type>_<gap-number>_<ref_deleted>_<query_insertions>
* chain_ID // *the ID of the liftOver chain (downloaded from UCSC genome browser) on which we found a gap when comparing the human genome (hg38) to a query genome*
* gap_type // SS if there is insertion in the query genome and no deletion in the reference; DS is we have ref deletion and query insertion (i.e., Single - and doble sided gaps, respectively)
* ref_deleted // size of chain-gap in the reference genome (i.e., gaps on the target species chain)
* query_insertions // size of inserted bases in the target species
© Amir Marcovitz