The Task Manager CLI is a simple command-line application that allows you to manage your tasks. You can add, list, mark as completed, and remove tasks using this application.
Adding a Task
- To add a new task, select option "1" from the menu.
- Enter the task title when prompted.
- Enter a task description when prompted.
- Enter the due date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" when prompted.
Listing Tasks
- To list all tasks, select option "2" from the menu.
- Tasks will be displayed with their ID, Title, Description, Due Date, and Status (Completed or Pending).
Marking a Task as Completed
- To mark a task as completed, select option "3" from the menu.
- Enter the ID of the task you want to mark as completed when prompted.
- The task's status will be updated to "Completed."
Removing a Task
- To remove a task, select option "4" from the menu.
- Enter the ID of the task you want to remove when prompted.
- The task will be permanently removed from the list.
Exiting the Application
- To exit the application, select option "5" from the menu.
- Your task data will be saved to a file, so you can continue where you left off next time.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd go-task-manager-cli
Run the application:
go run *.go
Your task data is automatically saved to a CSV file named "tasks.csv" in the project directory. This allows you to continue managing your tasks across different sessions.
Tasks are stored in the CSV file in the following format:
ID,Title,Description,Due Date,Completed
1,"Finish presentation","Prepare slides for the upcoming meeting",2023-09-20,false
2,"Go for a run","Run 5 miles in the park",2023-09-25,false
Task Format:
- ID: Unique identifier for the task.
- Title: A brief, descriptive title for the task.
- Description: Additional details or instructions for the task.
- Due Date: The date by which the task should be completed (in the format YYYY-MM-DD).
- Status: Indicates whether the task is completed or pending (true for completed, false for pending).
Example Task:
- ID: 1
- Title: Finish presentation
- Description: Prepare slides for the upcoming meeting
- Due Date: 2023-09-20
- Status: false
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the file for details.