- Columbus, OH
Charity project to pair local musicians to seniors who could use some entertainment
An implementation of the Star Realms deckbuilding game.
marcpeabody / health_graph
Forked from kennyma/health_graphRuby wrapper for Runkeeper Health Graph API
marcpeabody / run_keeper
Forked from coop/run_keeperRunKeeper API Client
Run Jasmine specs in a headless WebKit browser
Study Resource for the Beer Judge Certification Program
This project is dead. You should use Karma instead. I do.
3dbash - for all your "is it worth seeing in 3d?" needs.
git blame only tells you who last updated each line of code. Find who *really* introduced some code to the repository.
marcpeabody / maven_gem
Forked from jruby/maven_gemA RubyGems plugin (and a utility) to install Maven artifacts as RubyGems
This is the application that will be built during the Agile Workshop with Leon (and friends!) at CodeMash 2010
marcpeabody / nokogiri
Forked from sparklemotion/nokogiriNokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser with XPath and CSS selector support.
A rails plugin which allow user upload files to S3 through an embedded flash directly. This fork allows multiple files to be submitted at once.
These are just the images used in the slideshow demo for Breadcrumbs iPhone app
The September CIDUG app for which I showed a slideshow demonstration of using it to take photos at Inniswood Gardens.
Just testing out a sample iPhone app (XCode) with Github
Note: there is a fine Rails3 replacement for this old thing! http://github.com/nathancolgate/s3-swf-upload-plugin . However... this one is:.... A rails plugin which allow user upload files to S3 th…
A RubyGems plugin (and a utility) to install Maven artifacts as RubyGems
Nokogiri (鋸) makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML from Ruby.