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Config files and extensions for vim to make it more awesome!

Whats in it?

  • pathogen, makes it easy to manage plugins and runtime files
  • NERDTree, a sidebar buffer for navigating and manipulating files
  • Ctrl-P, a project file filter for easily opening specific files
  • Fugitive, Awesome git integration for VIM
  • Tagbar, plugin for browsing the tags of source code files. It provides a sidebar that displays the ctags-generated tags of the current file, ordered by their scope.
  • DelimitMate, plugin that provides automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets, etc
  • SuperTab, tab completion, nuff said
  • Gundo, Graphical undo for vim!
  • Snipmate, quickly paste snippets of code
  • Surround, quickly surround your code with brackets
  • GitV, gitk for vim
  • Vdebug, Xdebug for vim

vim key bindings

  • ,n brings up NERDTree
  • ,p brings up CtrlP
  • ,b restricts Ctrl-P to open buffers
  • ,l brings up Tagbar
    • Then 'p' jumps to the definition
  • ,u brings up Gundo
  • Ctrl] jump to definition using ctags and you get a menu to pick which definition you want if there are multiple matches
  • ,f Fold current function
  • ,[space] strips trailing whitespace
  • ,t Update tags file, make sure you're in the root directory of your project
  • Debugging keys
    • F5 Make Vim try and connect to the debugger
    • F2 Step over
    • F3 Step into
    • F4 Step out
    • F6 Stop debugger
    • F7 Detach script from debugger
    • F9 Run to cursor
    • F10 or ,sb Set a breakpoint for VDebug
    • ,rb Remove breakpoint for VDebug
    • F11 Show context variables (e.g. after "eval")
    • F12 Evaluate variable under cursor
  • Quickly surround your code with brackets
    • Select some code using visual mode v and then
    • S( for adding spaces or S) without spaces
    • You can also substitute for curly {} or square brackets []
  • Because mouse interactions are turned on, if you want to copy text from vim, you will have to press Shift and then make the selection or else it will go into Visual selection mode in VIM

Git integration with fugitive and gitv

  • Fugitive and GitV keymappings
    • gb Git blame
    • gq Close the windows
    • gv Gitk the entire project, q to close
    • gfv Gitk the current file, q to close
  • Resolving 3-way merge conflicts with fugitive tutorial [here] (
    • Open up the conflicted file and run :Gdiff which will open up two extra buffers with the target (i.e. the branch you're currently on) on the left and merge (i.e. the branch you're merging in) on the right
    • Fugitive usually has a consistent naming structure for buffspec for these two, so the target would be //2 and the merge would be //3
    • ]c jumps to the next merge conflict marker
    • [c jumps to the previous merge conflict marker
    • Use :diffget //2 to get changes from the target or :diffget //3 to get changes from the merge
    • Use :diffupdate to realign the diff markers
    • Once we're happy, use :only to keep the current window and close the other buffers
    • Use :Gwrite to stage changes :Gcommit to commit them and :Gpush to push them


I use pathogen to manage the other plugins and use git to handle updating them

If you have a current vim setup I suggest backing it up

mv .vimrc .vimrc.bak
mv .vim .vim.bak

Then clone the repo

git clone .vim

Then initialise and update all the things!

cd .vim

Next we'll have to setup the code standards sniffer

sudo ln -sfv ~/.vim/codechecker/phpcs/bin/phpcs /usr/bin/phpcs
sudo ln -sfv ~/.vim/codechecker/phpcs/bin/phpcbf /usr/bin/phpcbf

Then add the drupal coding standards sniffers (you might have to do this everytime there's an update to the repo)

ln -sfv ~/.vim/catalyst_drupalcs/coder_sniffer/Drupal codechecker/phpcs/src/Standards/drupalcatalyst

Then install PHP Mess Detector

Go to and download the latest release
cd /usr/bin
sudo mv ~/Downloads/phpmd.phar phpmd

Finally, you can use my vimrc and mysql conf

ln -s .vim/vimrc .vimrc
ln -s .vim/my.cnf .my.cnf


This is my .vim configuration







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