This project is part of a bigger one, namely Angular 2 Beyond Browser (A2BB), and it is a mobile app made with Ionic 2 which is basically used to identify a trusted device of the A2BB system.
The projects which are part of A2BB are:
and they have been developed as a demo to show the potentials of Angular2 - ASP.NET Core - Arduino technologies during a TechItalian meetup (see event here).
For an A2BB system description, please see A2BBServer.
If you want to know more about TechItalians, see TechItalia Tuscany MeetUp page.
This project was generated with the Ionic CLI.
You need to have NPM installed (see installation guide). After that, open a terminal and issue this command to install needed dependencies:
npm install -g cordova ionic
Then, from the terminal, go to the project root directory and type:
npm install
Run ionic run android --device
to build and start the app on a USB-connected Android device. Please note that Debug USB must be enabled on the Android phone.
To get more help on the ionic-cli
go check out the Ionic CLI docs.