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RobinD42 committed Jun 20, 2013
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372 changes: 372 additions & 0 deletions samples/roses/
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@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
# Name:
# Purpose: Class definitions for Roses interactive display programs.
# Author: Ric Werme
# WWW:
# Created: June 2007
# CVS-ID: $Id$
# Copyright: Public Domain, please give credit where credit is due.
# License: Sorry, no EULA.

# This is yet another incarnation of an old graphics hack based around
# misdrawing an analytic geometry curve called a rose. The basic form is
# simply the polar coordinate function r = cos(a * theta). "a" is the
# "order" of the rose, a zero value degenerates to r = 1, a circle. While
# this program is happy to draw that, much more interesting things happen when
# one or more of the following is in effect:

# 1) The "delta theta" between points is large enough to distort the curve,
# e.g. 90 degrees will draw a square, slightly less will be interesting.

# 2) The order of the rose is too large to draw it accurately.

# 3) Vectors are drawn at less than full speed.

# 4) The program is stepping through different patterns on its own.

# While you will be able to predict some aspects of the generated patterns,
# a lot of what there is to be found is found at random!

# The rose class has all the knowledge to implement generating vector data for
# roses and handles all the timing issues. It does not have the user interface
# for changing all the drawing parameters. It offers a "vision" of what an
# ideal Roses program should be, however, callers are welcome to assert their
# independence, override defaults, ignore features, etc.

from math import sin, cos, pi

# Rose class knows about:
# > Generating points and vectors (returning data as a list of points)
# > Starting a new rose (e.g. telling user to erase old vectors)
# > Stepping from one pattern to the next.

class rose:
"Defines everything needed for drawing a rose with timers."

# The following data is accessible by callers, but there are set
# methods for most everything and various method calls to client methods
# to display current values.
style = 100 # Angular distance along curve between points
sincr = -1 # Amount to increment style by in auto mode
petals = 2 # Lobes on the rose (even values have 2X lobes)
pincr = 1 # Amount to increment petals by in auto mode
nvec = 399 # Number of vectors to draw the rose
minvec = 0 # Minimum number acceptable in automatic mode
maxvec = 3600 # Maximum number acceptable in automatic mode
skipvec = 0 # Don't draw this many at the start (cheap animations)
drawvec = 3600 # Draw only this many (cheap animations)
step = 20 # Number of vectors to draw each clock tick
draw_delay = 50 # Time between roselet calls to watch pattern draw
wait_delay = 2000 # Time between roses in automatic mode

# Other variables that the application shouldn't access.
verbose = 0 # No good way to set this at the moment.
nextpt = 0 # Next position to draw on next clock tick

# Internal states:
int_state = INT_IDLE

# Command states
CMD_STOP, CMD_GO = range(2)
cmd_state = CMD_STOP

# Return full rose line (a tuple of (x, y) tuples). Not used by interactive
# clients but still useful for command line and batch clients.
# This is the "purest" code and doesn't require the App* methods defined
# by the caller.
def rose(self, style, petals, vectors):
self.nvec = vectors
line = [(1.0, 0.0)]
for i in range (1, vectors):
theta = (style * i) % vectors
r = self.cos_table[(petals * theta) % vectors]
line.append((r * self.cos_table[theta], r * self.sin_table[theta]))
line.append((1.0, 0.0))
return line

# Generate vectors for the next chunk of rose.

# This is not meant to be called from an external module, as it is closely
# coupled to parameters set up within the class and limits set up by
# restart(). Restart() initializes all data this needs to start drawing a
# pattern, and clock() calls this to compute the next batch of points and
# hear if that is the last batch. We maintain all data we need to draw each
# batch after the first. theta should be 2.0*pi * style*i/self.nvec
# radians, but we deal in terms of the lookup table so it's just the index
# that refers to the same spot.
def roselet(self):
line = []
stop = self.nextpt + self.step
keep_running = True
if stop >= self.endpt:
stop = self.endpt
keep_running = False
for i in range (self.nextpt, stop + 1):
theta = ( * i) % self.nvec
r = self.cos_table[(self.petals * theta) % self.nvec]
line.append((r * self.cos_table[theta], r * self.sin_table[theta]))
self.nextpt = stop
return line, keep_running

# Generate sine and cosine lookup tables. We could create data for just
# 1/4 of a circle, at least if vectors was a multiple of 4, and share a
# table for both sine and cosine, but memory is cheaper than it was in
# PDP-11 days. OTOH, small, shared tables would be more cache friendly,
# but if we were that concerned, this would be in C.
def make_tables(self, vectors):
self.sin_table = [sin(2.0 * pi * i / vectors) for i in range(vectors)]
self.cos_table = [cos(2.0 * pi * i / vectors) for i in range(vectors)]

# Rescale (x,y) data to match our window. Note the negative scaling in the
# Y direction, this compensates for Y moving down the screen, but up on
# graph paper.
def rescale(self, line, offset, scale):
for i in range(len(line)):
line[i] = (line[i][0] * scale + offset[0],
line[i][1] * (-scale) + offset[1])
return line

# Euler's Method for computing the greatest common divisor. Knuth's
# "The Art of Computer Programming" vol.2 is the standard reference,
# but the web has several good ones too. Basically this sheds factors
# that aren't in the GCD and returns when there's nothing left to shed.
# N.B. Call with a >= b.
def gcd(self, a, b):
while b != 0:
a, b = b, a % b
return a

# Erase any old vectors and start drawing a new rose. When the program
# starts, the sine and cosine tables don't exist, build them here. (Of
# course, if an __init__() method is added, move the call there.
# If we're in automatic mode, check to see if the new pattern has neither
# too few or too many vectors and skip it if so. Skip by setting up for
# a one tick wait to let us get back to the main loop so the user can
# update parameters or stop.
def restart(self):
if self.verbose:
print 'restart: int_state', self.int_state, 'cmd_state', self.cmd_state
tmp = self.sin_table[0]

new_state = self.INT_DRAW
self.takesvec = self.nvec / self.gcd(self.nvec,
if not self.takesvec & 1 and self.petals & 1:
self.takesvec /= 2
if self.cmd_state == self.CMD_GO:
if self.minvec > self.takesvec or self.maxvec < self.takesvec:
new_state = self.INT_SEARCH
self.nextpt = self.skipvec
self.endpt = min(self.takesvec, self.skipvec + self.drawvec)
old_state, self.int_state = self.int_state, new_state
if old_state == self.INT_IDLE: # Clock not running
elif old_state == self.INT_WAIT: # May be long delay, restart
return 1 # If called by clock(), return and start clock
return 0 # We're in INT_IDLE or INT_WAIT, clock running

# Called from App. Recompute the center and scale values for the subsequent pattern.
# Force us into INT_RESIZE state if not already there so that in 100 ms we'll start
# to draw something to give an idea of the new size.
def resize(self, size, delay):
xsize, ysize = size = (xsize / 2, ysize / 2)
self.scale = min(xsize, ysize) / 2.1

# Called from App or above. From App, called with small delay because
# some window managers will produce a flood of expose events or call us
# before initialization is done.
def repaint(self, delay):
if self.int_state != self.INT_RESIZE:
# print 'repaint after', delay
self.int_state = self.INT_RESIZE
self.AppAfter(delay, self.clock)

# Method that returns the next style and petal values for automatic
# mode and remembers them internally. Keep things scaled in the
# range [0:nvec) because there's little reason to exceed that.
def next(self): += self.sincr
self.petals += self.pincr
if <= 0 or self.petals < 0:, self.petals = \
abs(self.petals) + 1, abs(
if >= self.nvec: %= self.nvec # Don't bother defending against 0
if self.petals >= self.nvec:
self.petals %= self.nvec
self.AppSetParam(, self.petals, self.nvec)

# Resume pattern drawing with the next one to display.
def resume(self):
return self.restart()

# Go/Stop button.
def cmd_go_stop(self):
if self.cmd_state == self.CMD_STOP:
self.cmd_state = self.CMD_GO
self.resume() # Draw next pattern
elif self.cmd_state == self.CMD_GO:
self.cmd_state = self.CMD_STOP

# Centralize button naming to share with initialization.
# Leave colors to the application (assuming it cares), we can't guess
# what's available.
def update_labels(self):
if self.cmd_state == self.CMD_STOP:
self.AppCmdLabels(('Go', 'Redraw', 'Backward', 'Forward'))
else: # Must be in state CMD_GO
self.AppCmdLabels(('Stop', 'Redraw', 'Reverse', 'Skip'))

# Redraw/Redraw button
def cmd_redraw(self):
self.restart() # Redraw current pattern

# Backward/Reverse button
# Useful for when you see an interesting pattern and want
# to go back to it. If running, just change direction. If stopped, back
# up one step. The resume code handles the step, then we change the
# incrementers back to what they were. (Unless resume changed them too.)
def cmd_backward(self):
self.sincr = -self.sincr
self.pincr = -self.pincr
if self.cmd_state == self.CMD_STOP:
self.sincr = -self.sincr # Go forward again
self.pincr = -self.pincr
self.AppSetIncrs(self.sincr, self.pincr)

# Forward/Skip button. CMD_STOP & CMD_GO both just call resume.
def cmd_step(self):
self.resume() # Draw next pattern

# Handler called on each timer event. This handles the metered drawing
# of a rose and the delays between them. It also registers for the next
# timer event unless we're idle (rose is done and the delay between
# roses is 0.)
def clock(self):
if self.int_state == self.INT_IDLE:
# print 'clock called in idle state'
delay = 0
elif self.int_state == self.INT_DRAW:
line, run = self.roselet()
self.AppCreateLine(self.rescale(line,, self.scale))
if run:
delay = self.draw_delay
if self.cmd_state == self.CMD_GO:
self.int_state = self.INT_WAIT
delay = self.wait_delay
self.int_state = self.INT_IDLE
delay = 0
elif self.int_state == self.INT_SEARCH:
delay = self.resume() # May call us to start drawing
if self.int_state == self.INT_SEARCH:
delay = self.draw_delay # but not if searching.
elif self.int_state == self.INT_WAIT:
if self.cmd_state == self.CMD_GO:
delay = self.resume() # Calls us to start drawing
self.int_state = self.INT_IDLE
delay = 0
elif self.int_state == self.INT_RESIZE: # Waiting for resize event stream to settle
self.AppSetParam(, self.petals, self.nvec)
self.AppSetIncrs(self.sincr, self.pincr)
delay = self.restart() # Calls us to start drawing

if delay == 0:
if self.verbose:
print 'clock: going idle from state', self.int_state
self.AppAfter(delay, self.clock)

# Methods to allow App to change the parameters on the screen.
# These expect to be called when the associated paramenter changes,
# but work reasonably well if several are called at once. (E.g.
# groups them into things that affect the visual display
# and warrant a new start, and things that just change and don't affect
# the ultimate pattern. All parameters within a group are updated
# at once even if the value hasn't changed.

# We restrict the style and petals parameters to the range [0: nvec)
# since numbers outside of that range aren't interesting. We don't
# immediately update the value in the application, we probably should.

# NW control window - key parameters
def SetStyle(self, value): = value % self.nvec

def SetSincr(self, value):
self.sincr = value

def SetPetals(self, value):
self.petals = value % self.nvec

def SetPincr(self, value):
self.pincr = value

# SW control window - vectors
def SetVectors(self, value):
self.nvec = value %= value
self.petals %= value
self.AppSetParam(, self.petals, self.nvec)

def SetMinVec(self, value):
if self.maxvec >= value and self.nvec >= value:
self.minvec = value

def SetMaxVec(self, value):
if self.minvec < value:
self.maxvec = value

def SetSkipFirst(self, value):
self.skipvec = value

def SetDrawOnly(self, value):
self.drawvec = value

# SE control window - timings
def SetStep(self, value):
self.step = value

def SetDrawDelay(self, value):
self.draw_delay = value

def SetWaitDelay(self, value):
self.wait_delay = value

# Method for client to use to have us supply our defaults.
def SupplyControlValues(self):
self.AppSetParam(, self.petals, self.nvec)
self.AppSetIncrs(self.sincr, self.pincr)
self.AppSetVectors(self.nvec, self.minvec, self.maxvec,
self.skipvec, self.drawvec)
self.AppSetTiming(self.step, self.draw_delay, self.wait_delay)

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