Go2o is Google Go language binding domain-driven design (DDD) O2O open source implementation. Support Online Store , Offline stores; multi-channel (businesses), multi-store, merchandise, snapshots, orders, sales, payment, distribution and other functions.
Project by a management center (including platform management center, business background, store background), online store (PC shop, Handheld shops, micro-channel), the member center, open API in four parts.
Go2o using domain-driven design for business depth abstract, theoretical support in most sectors O2O scenarios. Through open API, you can seamlessly integrate into legacy systems.
Go2o是Google Go语言结合领域驱动设计(DDD)的开源O2O实现。支持线上商店,线下门店;多渠道
__项目最新版本: v 0.1.2 __
由 #刘铭#, #大鹏# 开发.
代码架构将调整,代码见develop分支, 新的代码库不在包含UI, UI见分支v0.1.1
代码保证每周更新2-5次(因为项目本身,希望你能接受不定时可能较为频繁的代码改动和DB结构调整 ) 同时也欢迎朋友加入我们(代码可能写的不好,但我们会改进,请大牛不要鄙视,开源需要支持和鼓励)。
捐赠支付宝:[email protected] (金额随意) 如有定制需求可邮件联系< [email protected] >。
巍 zhu**@126.com 职业码农 奋斗富三代
珠三Go技术群:102629585 (珠三是珠三角 , 是QQ群,不是其他群)
sudo sysctl -w kern.ipc.somaxconn=4096
pub-serve --- 14199 merchant-serve ---- 14192
Create new mysql db instance named "go2o" and import data use mysql utility. Database backup file is here : go2o.sql
git clone https://github.com/jsix/go2o.git /home/usr/go/src/go2o
export GOPATH=$GOPATH:/home/usr/go/
cd /home/usr/go
go build go2o-server.go
go build go2o-daemon.go
go build go2o-tcpserve.go
Usage of ./go2o-server:
-conf string
(default "app.conf")
-d run daemon
enable debug
enable trace
command usage
-port int
web server port (default 14190)
-restport int
rest api port (default 14191)
Usage of ./go2o-daemon:
-debug = false : enable debug
Usage of ./go2o-tcpserve:
-conf string
(default "app.conf")
-l log output
-port int
(default 14197)
server {
listen 80;
server_name static.ts.com;
root /home/usr/go/src/go2o/public/static;
location ~* \.(eot|ttf|woff|woff2|svg)$ {
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
server {
listen 80;
server_name img.ts.com;
root /home/usr/go/src/go2o/uploads;
location ~* \.(eot|ttf|woff|woff2|svg)$ {
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
server {
listen 80;
server_name *.ts.com;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:14190;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
echo go2o.ts.com static.ts.com img.ts.com mch.ts.com mu.ts.com u.ts.com passport.ts.com www.ts1 .com www.ts2 .com api.ts.com webmaster.ts.com >> /etc/hosts
account: go2o / 123456
account: go2o / 123456
you can add host to table "pt_host" use MySql Workbench.