The project is under construction! There's some bugs that I am working on!
This is a visualization plugin for visualizing clusters of neurons learned using the EnsemblePursuit algorithm ( from activity traces that have been extracted from calcium imaging recordings using spks.npy and stat.npy from the suite2p library
This software requires pip installed EnsemblePursuit, numpy, sklearn, vispy, pyqtgraph. Clone this repository. In the command line cd to the cloned repository folder and run:
python --stat path_to_stat_file --spks path_to_spks file --n_ens number_of_clusters --lam regularization_parameter 0.01
An example file from mouse V1 viewing sparse noise stimuli can be found here:
This project got into top 20 in the AlgoExpert software engineering competition and a video about using the program and the algorithm can be found here: