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Explicitly branching paths

Brian Marick edited this page Mar 20, 2016 · 7 revisions

In a map, you'll often have several keys that use the same checkers. It's a bit annoying to repeat them:

(type! :Point {:x integer?
               :y integer?})

You can instead use each-of:

(type! :Point {(each-of :x :y) integer?})

each-of can also be used within a path:

(type! :Figure {[:points ALL (each-of :x :y)] integer?})

It can also be used in the interior of a path, though I tend use its synonym through-each for that. The following claims that a :figure substructure has both :fill and :line fields. Each of them has a :color, which must be an rgb-string?

(type! :X {[:figure (through-each :fill :line) :color] rgb-string?})