Welcome to mi github profile!
I'm Full Stack Developer specialize in web design. I'm working with technologies like React, Redux, PostgreSQL, Express, Node Js, JavaScript and some others technologies in the industry.
I'm good solving problems, creative, proactive and great autonomy, and I enjoy working in teams In my free time, I like to practice some sports and read books.
You can contact me throw my LinkedIn profile β‘ here β¬
Full Stack Web Developer Individual Project (JavaScript, React, Redux, NodeJS, Express, PostgresSQL, Sequelize, CSS)
You can see your favorite pokemons and learn more about them! Also you can create news, including an image, status and types. The style was bassed on Pokemon Fire Red Nintendo Version.
Landing Page
Repository link here
Full Stack Web Developer Grupal Project (JavaScript, React, Redux, NodeJS, Express, PostgresSQL, Sequelize, CSS, Ant Design)
This is a final project related with a real small bussines about vegetarian food. You can order, buy, save favorite, and more.