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3D Autonomous Navigation

How to Install, Compile and Run

Install V-REP

  1. Download version 3.2.2 (tested) from
    You don't need to compile anything. Just extract the files in your V-REP installation folder and you are ready to execute the main launcher ( from there.

  2. Set the environment variable VREP_ROOT_DIR:
    add in your .bashrc the following line
    export VREP_ROOT_DIR=<here you put the absolute path of your V-REP installation folder (which contains the launcher>


  • Open a terminal
  • Then execute

$ cd ~/trav_nav_indigo_ws
  • Then compile

$ catkin_make -j8

Install the vrep_ugv_plugin Package

Once you have compiled the tradr-simulation stack, you have to copy the lib ~/trav_nav_indigo_ws/devel/lib/ in the installation folder VREP_ROOT_DIR (NOTE: this lib enables V-REP to get and parse track velocity command messages)

Testing the vrep_ugv_simulation Package

  • Open a terminal, source the workspace and execute

$ roslaunch vrep_ugv_simulation vrep_ugv_simulation.launch
  • Press the play button on V-REP

Once you completed one of the above procedures, you should have your simulator running and a small window with title "UGV TeleOp" should appear. Keep the focus on that window (click on it) and you will be able to move the UGV with the arrow keys. By using the keys 'A','S','D','W' you are also able to change the configuration of its flippers in order to climb stairs.

V-REP with the Path Planner

  1. Lauch the UGV simulation on V-REP: open a new terminal, source the workspace and run

$ roslaunch vrep_ugv_simulation vrep_ugv_simulation.launch
  1. Press the play button on V-REP

  2. Run the path planner with its RVIZ interface

    • If you want to run the single-waypoint path planner, open a new terminal and run
    $ roslaunch path_planner sim_main_path_planner_ugv1.launch

    On RVIZ, you can set a goal for the planner by using the dedicated interactive marker. The interactive marker (a sphere) will appear over the robot when you launch the path_planner node.

    Move the marker at your desired position (hold left click on it and move it w.r.t. image plane; if you also hold SHIFT button you will change the depth of the marker) Then right-click on it and select from the menu the action "Select Goal". If you want to abort the goal once is selected, select the action "Abort Goal" from the same menu. Text messages will appear over the marker explaining you what is happening. The marker color will change accordingly:

    • Grey, path planner is waiting for a goal selection
    • Yellow, the path planner is planning
    • Green, a path has been found
    • Red, the path planner could not find a path

    N.B.: a path to the designated goal can be actually computed if the shown traversability map actually "connect" the goal and the robot positions. You may be required to wait few seconds till the traversability node actually complete the traversability map construction from the mapper inputs.

    Once a path has been found, the path planner will publish it towards the trajectory controller which will make the robot automatically follow the path.

    • otherwise, if you want to run the multi-waypoint path planner, open a new terminal and run
    $ roslaunch path_planner sim_main_queue_path_planner_ugv1.launch

    On RVIZ:

    • Press the key 'M' in order to add a new waypoint directly on the traversability cloud. You can move each created waypoint by holding right click on it and moving. The waypoints should automatically stick to the traversability cloud.
    • Once you have selected your desired number of waypoints you can right click on one of them and select from the menu the action "Append Task". If you want the robot to continuously revisit the waypoints you set (cyclic path), then select the action "Append Cyclic Task". The marker colors will change accordingly:
      • Orange, the marker has not been added
      • Yellow, the path planner is planning
      • Green, a path has been found
      • Red, the path planner could not find a path Once the waypoints get green, you can right click on one of them and select from the menu the action "Stop the controller" in order to stop the trajectory control and the robot.

Tuning the parameters of Normal Estimation, Clustering and Traversability Analysis

To tune the parameters of these functionalities open a new terminal, source the workspace and execute

$ rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

A concise description of these parameters can be found in ~/trav_nav_indigo_ws/src/tradr-loc-map-nav/path_planner/ file

Octomap with three input channels

If you want to use the version of Octomap modified to merge point cloud coming from different channels (sensors) in a single octree then you have to modify the launch file where your octomap node is called as follows

  • Change the name of the package from



  • Remap the point cloud_in1, cloud_in2 and cloud_in3 topics with the topics where the point clouds coming from differents sensors are published. For example

<remap from = "cloud_in1" to = "/point_cloud_from_laser1"/>
<remap from = "cloud_in2" to = "/point_cloud_from_laser2"/>
<remap from = "cloud_in3" to = "/point_cloud_from_rgbd_camera"/>


3D Autonomous Navigation






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