This is a template repository that aims to codify my workflow and incorporates best practices for research code.
- clear documentation
- consistent structure
- version control
- explicit wrt inputs, outputs and methods
- reproducibility
- testing (liberal assertions at a minimum)
- continuous integration
- formal testing
- SKHiggins R_guide
- Good Research Code Handbook
- Science as Amateur Software Development by R McElreath
- Git and Github
- Virtual environments {renv::init(), add renv/library to .gitignore}
- Folder and file structure as laid out below
- Number scripts to make sequence explicit
- Highlight and resolve any non linear sequences
- Liberal use of assertions for testing {assertthat}
- Data manipulation:
- tidyverse for dataframes
- data.table for big data {DT}
- If it's a matrix, use a matrix
|-- data/ # gitignored
| `-- example.csv
|-- docs/
| |--
| `--project.drawio
|-- renv/
| |-- library/ # gitignored
| |-- .gitignore
| |-- activate.R
| `-- settings.json
|-- results/ # gitignored
| |-- plots
| |-- rdata
| | `-- example.rds
| |-- reports
| `-- tables
|-- scripts/
| |-- 01_cleaning.r
| |-- 02_analysis.r
| `-- 03_reporting.r
|-- src/
| |-- functions
| | `-- project_function.r
| |-- run_better.r
| `-- run_quick.r
|-- tests/
|-- .gitignore
|-- .Rprofile
`-- renv.lock