Simple Prometheus exporter for Tenzir node metrics written in Python with Flask. Tenzir links:
File | Description |
tenzir.json |
Grafana dashboard JSON | |
Tenzir exporter |
To start work with exporter, you should install following Linux distro packages:
- gcc
- python3-devel
- uwsgi
- uwsgi-plugin-python3
- pushgateway
And then install Python PyPi dependencies from file:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To test export for Tenzir node metrics you can use the following command:
./tenzir 'metrics --live | to http HOST_WITH_EXPORTER:8000 write json --compact-output'
If you want to create tenzir pipeline in Tenzir config to get metrics constantly, please use command specified above, like this:
name: Export Tenzir own metrics
definition: |
metrics --live | to http HOST_WITH_EXPORTER:8000 write json --compact-output
restart-on-error: true
If dependencies installation was successful, you can try to run exporter with the folllowing command:
uwsgi --http-socket --plugin python3 --wsgi-file --callable app --stats