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Usher is intended for use on Chromatic repositories to supplement the use of the Robo PHP task runner. It contains a number of commands to assist in development, builds, and deployments, and can be extended in downstream repos.

  • ush·er (verb): to show or guide (someone) somewhere.
  • ush·er (noun): American singer, songwriter, businessman, and dancer.

Usher in a tuxedo


Usher Version PHP Drupal Notes
4.x 8.1+ 9.5 - 10.1+ Active development
3.x 8.1+ 9.5 - 10.1+ Minimally maintained
2.x 7.4 - 8.1 7, 9.4 - 10.0 Minimally maintained
1.x 7.4 7, 8 Unsupported


composer require chromatic/usher


  • Create a robo.yml file in the root of your codebase. robo.drupal.example.yml is provided as a starting point for Drupal projects.
  • Create a .sites.config.yml file in the root of your codebase. See .sites.config.example.yml for reference on what can/should be configured.
  • Add the following to your repo's composer.json "scripts" section so that you can call robo easily with composer robo:
    "scripts": {
      "robo": "robo --ansi"
  • If you are overriding any commands, add the following to your repo's composer.json file. Be sure to specify your own namespace prefix in place of YOURPREFIX.
    "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "YOURPREFIXRobo\\": "robo/src"
    Then place the commands in robo/src/Robo/Plugin/Commands with the YOURPREFIXRobo\Robo\Plugin\Commands namespace.
  • If you are using any of the commands that use the GitHubStatusTrait to set status checks on your pull requests, a personal access token must be created in GitHub.
    1. Create a personal access token in GitHub.
    2. Create an environment variable named GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN with the token value in the environment where the checks will run.


robo dev:refresh

The dev:refresh command, often available in downstream repos as composer robo dev:refresh -- SITENAME, refreshes your local development environment (DDEV) which includes:

  1. composer install
  2. Theme build (robo theme:build).
  3. Disabling front-end caches.
  4. Downloading the most recent database dump.
  5. Importing the database dump.
  6. drush deploy
  7. Generating a Drupal login link.

robo deploy:drupal

The deploy:drupal command, often available in downstream repos as composer robo deploy:drupal SITENAME DOCROOT, deploys Drupal in a standardized way which includes:

  1. drush deploy
  2. drush config:import

robo drupal:status-report

The drupal:status-report command, often available in downstream repos as composer robo drupal:status-report, checks Drupal's status report and reports warnings and errors. Specific warnings or errors can be ignored by adding the warning/error ID to the drupal_status_report_ignore_checks key in the downstream repository's robo.yml config file. For example:

  - update_core

To identify the ID's in question, run drush status-report --format=yaml. The output will include the ID's.

robo config:update-php-version

Use the config:update-php-version command to update the PHP version configured for a project in files listed in the php_version_config_paths key of robo.yml:

php_current_version: '8.1'
  - composer.json
  - .tugboat/config.yml

Slack Notification Options

If you would like to have Usher send a notification to Slack, you need to create a Slack app in your workspace, and then add an "incoming webhook" for the channel where you would like the notification sent. When you create the webhook, Slack will provide you with a unique URL for that channel. You must then set the SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL environment variable to the Slack webhook URL in whatever environment Usher is running in.

Sample webhook URL:

  • notify-slack - Default to false. If true, Slack notification will be sent on build failure in Tugboat.
  • notify-slack-force - Default to false. If true, it will force an attempt to notify Slack about the build regardless of what happened.


You can use this package for the basics and then build upon it. New commands that are relevant only to a single repo should be added to a top-level /robo directory in the project repo. Commands should live at /robo/src/Robo/Plugin/Commands/. Add a new autoload namespace to composer.json so these commands will be detected:

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "YOURPREFIXRobo\\": "robo/src"


If you have a new command that would be useful to multiple repositories that use this package, create a new command here under /src/Robo/Plugin/Commands via a pull request.


Custom Robo commands for use on PHP projects.






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  • PHP 100.0%