deployed commit 653d1e6
- StakingPools - 0x416494bD4FbEe227313b76a07A1e859928D7bA47
- TIC Token - 0x75739a693459f33B1FBcC02099eea3eBCF150cBe
- TIME Token DAO - 0xBA41c2A2744e3749ab3E76FdFe6FCa5875D97660
- TIME Token Team - 0x31fa86c83aE739220CE4fa93391BB321cC77670E
- TIME Token PreSeed - 0x65C8CB3AFF7021c9A1579787e29B1c3D24c5cA59
- Update .env file for correct keys and addresses.
- Update desired gas price in hardhat (
- Deploy contracts to avalanche
npx hardhat deploy --network avalanche --export-all ./artifacts/deployments.json
- Verify on etherscan
npx hardhat --network avalanche etherscan-verify --api-key <APIKEY>
- Pre-mine TIC to DAO and mint all TIME tokens
HARDHAT_NETWORK="avalanche" node scripts/mintTokens.js
- Pre-mine tokens to DAO
- Mint DAO Time token to DAO
- Mint Team Time token to Team
- Mint Pre-Seed Time token to pre-seed
- Create initial Sushi pool for TIC <> USDC from DAO and seed round
- Add the new Sushi LP address to .env
- Create pool for Sushi LP tokens
HARDHAT_NETWORK="avalanche" node scripts/createSushiPool.js
- Set weights for all pools
HARDHAT_NETWORK="avalanche" node scripts/setPoolWeights.js
- Confirm pool addresses and weights on snowscan.
- Grant admin rights to DAO
HARDHAT_NETWORK="avalanche" node scripts/grantAdminToDAO.js
- Grant TIC Token admin DAO
- Grant DAO Time token admin and minter to DAO
- Grant Team Time token admin and minter to DAO
- Grant Pre-Seed Time token admin and minter to DAO
- Confirm on snowscan correct admin permissions for the DAO for all 4 token contracts.
- DAO accept pending governance from StakingPools.sol
- Stake DAO time token
- From DAO, call
to enable staking for initial pools. LP, TIC, DAO - Renounce all rights from deployer address
HARDHAT_NETWORK="avalanche" node scripts/renounceRoles.js
- Publish all mainnet addresses
- When ready from DAO, call setRewardRate to enable staking (~24 hrs later) and set updated pool weights.