This is a class of php QR Code, This library helps you generate QR codes in a jiffy.
Use Composer to install the library.
$ composer require yakeing/qrcode
$text //Enter text (string)
$pixel //Output image size (ini)
$icon //Small icon (url) (Must be a square image, otherwise the image will be distorted)
$distinguish //Recognition rate (L=7% , M=15% , Q=25% , H=30%)
$type //Output image format (jpg/png) (Due to GIF copyright dispute)
$margin //Margin white edge (ini 0-4)
$color //RGB Colour array('255,255,255', '0,0,0'); Hexadecimal Colour FF0000,000000
$stream //Output source code (true/false)
$spec //specification Matrix with 0-40 specifications
$OutputPath //Path to generate pictures
qrcode::image($text, $pixel, $icon, $distinguish, $type, $margin, $color, $stream, $OutputPath);
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