University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
- Chengdu,Sichuan Province
- https://markjenny.github.com
Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
List of 1000 JavaScript Interview Questions
markjenny / sealos
Forked from labring/sealos一条命令离线安装高可用 Kubernetes,3min装完,500M,100年证书,版本不要太全,生产环境稳如老狗🔥 ⎈ 🐳
Consul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure.
The official home of the Presto distributed SQL query engine for big data
🔎 Open source distributed and RESTful search engine.
Apache Groovy: A powerful multi-faceted programming language for the JVM platform
A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python
brpc is an Industrial-grade RPC framework using C++ Language, which is often used in high performance system such as Search, Storage, Machine learning, Advertisement, Recommendation etc. "brpc" mea…
mini-spring-cloud是简化版的spring-cloud框架,能帮助你快速熟悉spring-cloud源码及掌握其核心原理。在保留spring cloud核心功能的的前提下尽量精简代码,核心功能包括服务注册、服务发现、负载均衡、集成Feign简化调用、流量控制、熔断降级、API网关等。
GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
smart tools for source code study : cpptree.pl, calltree.pl, javatree.pl, java_calltree.pl
The world's fastest open query engine for sub-second analytics both on and off the data lakehouse. With the flexibility to support nearly any scenario, StarRocks provides best-in-class performance …
A cloud-native Go microservices framework with cli tool for productivity.
A powerful framework for faster, easier, and more efficient project development.
WeOpen Star is a project that provides growth support for open source contributors, enthusiasts and open source projects in different fields.
🚀 gnet is a high-performance, lightweight, non-blocking, event-driven networking framework written in pure Go.
System design interview for IT companies
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
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