Simple 100% typesafe router for Preact using Preact signals and Zod.
npm install perun
Or, if you are using yarn:
yarn add perun
export const routes = {
plyersCountry: createRoute({
routePattern: "/players/[country]/[playername]",
renderComponent: (props) => (
searchParamsValidator: z.object({
ime: z.string(),
prezime: z.string().optional(),
lastNameId: createRoute({
routePattern: "/[id?]/ime/[lastname]",
renderComponent: (props) => (
<TestComponent lastname={props.lastname} id={ ?? "name id"} />
searchParamsValidator: z.object({}),
asyncRoute: createAsyncRoute({
routePattern: "/async/[route]",
renderComponent: (props) =>
import("./async").then((module) => (
<module.AsyncComponent route={props.route} />
searchParamsValidator: z.object({}),
const NoRoutesMatch = () => {
return <div>404, requested route is not defined :(</div>;
export const App = () => {
const toPersonWithId = useCallback(() => {
routes.lastNameId.routeTo({ id: "marko", lastname: "jerkic" });
}, []);
const toPerson = useCallback(() => {
routes.lastNameId.routeTo({ lastname: "jerkic" });
}, []);
const toPlayer = useCallback(() => {
playername: "stipe",
country: "hrv",
queryParams: {
godine: 22,
ime: "Stipe",
prezime: "Stipić",
}, []);
const toAsyncRoute = useCallback(() => {
routes.asyncRoute.routeTo({ route: "neka" });
}, []);
return (
<p>Bok, ovo je moj router :)</p>
<div class="flex space-x-4 my-4">
queryParams={{ ime: "Marko", prezime: "Jerkić", godine: 22 }}
Na igrač marko ajde
<button className="bg-red-300" onClick={() => toPlayer()}>
Idemo na igrač stipe iz hrv
<button className="bg-blue-300" onClick={() => toPerson()}>
Idemo na osobu jerkic
<button className="bg-blue-300" onClick={() => toPersonWithId()}>
Idemo na osobu jerkic s identifikatorom
<button className="bg-fuchsia-300" onClick={() => toAsyncRoute()}>
Idemo na async rutu
<Router routes={routes}>
<NoRoutesMatch />
function takes three parameters:
routePatter: string
- This is a string representation of the route. The route must start with
, and must not end with/
- Dynamic route parts are indicated by:
- If this is an optional part of the route, you should put an
at the end of the variable name. This does not mean that the variable will be called e.g.variableName
. Instead the type of the variable will just bestring | undefind
- If this is an optional part of the route, you should put an
- This is a string representation of the route. The route must start with
searchParamsValidator: ZodObject
- This prop contains a Zod validator. The validator object should only be one dimensional (nesting is not supported).
- If query params are not required, you should pass an empty zod object, e.g.
renderComponent: (props: RouteParamsWithOptionalQueryParams<TRoute, ...> ) => Component
- This is a callback function which should return a Preact component. The
contain dynamic parts of the route which will be of typestring
orstring | undefined
(if indicated that the route part is optional), andqueryParams
object which will contain the query params validated by thezod
validator passed throughsearchParamsValidator
- This is a callback function which should return a Preact component. The
routePattern: "/players/[country]/[playername]",
renderComponent: (({ country, playername, queryParams })) => (
searchParamsValidator: z.object({
ime: z.string(),
prezime: z.string().optional(),
function takes three parameters:
routePatter: string
- This is a string representation of the route. The route must start with
, and must not end with/
- Dynamic route parts are indicated by:
- If this is an optional part of the route, you should put an
at the end of the variable name. This does not mean that the variable will be called, e.g.variableName
. Instead, the type of the variable will just bestring | undefind
- If this is an optional part of the route, you should put an
- This is a string representation of the route. The route must start with
searchParamsValidator: ZodObject
- This prop contains a Zod validator. The validator object should only be one dimensional (nesting is not supported).
- If query params are not required, you should pass an empty zod object, e.g.
renderComponent: (props: RouteParamsWithOptionalQueryParams<TRoute, ...> ) => Promise<Component>
- This is a callback function which imports a component async. The imported component should be in a separate file, and should be imported as displayed in the example below.
- The
contain dynamic parts of the route which will be of typestring
orstring | undefined
(if indicated that the route part is optional), andqueryParams
object which will contain the query params vlidated by thezod
validator passed throughsearchParamsValidator
routePattern: "/players/[country]/[playername]",
renderComponent: (props) =>
import("./async").then((module) => (
route={props.route} />
searchParamsValidator: z.object({
ime: z.string(),
prezime: z.string().optional(),
The Link
is a very handy typesafe wrapper around classic HTML <a href="http://...">Link</a>
You use it as such:
queryParams={{ ime: "Marko", prezime: "Jerkić", godine: 22 }}
Na igrač marko ajde
- The
is the variable containing created routes as shown in this section. This handyLink
component is why you should not inline the routes creation, rather create them as a static variable and export them. - Dynamic route variables are referenced each individually (in the example above, those would be
), and query parameters are bundled together, and they are always optional. - Anything passed as children to this component will be rendered as the contents of the underlying
Similarly to the Link
component, this a typesafe way to change the route.
playername: "stipe",
country: "hrv",
queryParams: {
godine: 22,
ime: "Stipe",
prezime: "Stipić",
- Unlike
, this does not render anything, as this is meant to be used in a callback of some sorts. - The
is the variable containing created routes as shown in this section. This handyLink
component is why you should not inline the routes' creation, rather create them as a static variable and export them. - Dynamic route variables are referenced each individually (in the example above, those would be
), and query parameters are bundled together, and they are always optional.
The Router
component is set where you want to bootstrap your components selected by the current route.
<Router routes={routes}>
<NoRoutesMatch />
- The
component also takes children components, which will be displayed if no matching route is found. It is esentially used as the 404 section.