The source code of this demo is based on Apple's available documentation, online or distributed with XCode 8.x.
Expected Output:
Added a Swift playground to this repository. Its source code is based on Apple's online ChromaKey Effect article.
Added a Quartz Composition to this repository.
Added a macOS application implementing CIFilter to this repository. The source code of the kernel is a modified version of GSChromaFilter.cikernel from Apple's AVGreenScreenPlayer.
Added a macOS application implementing CIFilter in a metal shader to this repository.
XCode 8.x, Swift 3.0
Deployment Target: macOS 10.12.
The Metal demo requires
XCode 9.x, Swift 4.1
- Core Image Programming Guide.
- Latest online documentation on Chroma Key Effect:
- CIFunHouse - ChromaKey module.
Acknowledgements due to whoever had made the 2 graphic files available.