offers the possibility to download data from the Survey of
(SPF) provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
] add https://github.com/markushhh/SPF.jl
Load the package and retrieve the dataset.
using SPF
survey = "NGDP"
df = get_additional_cpie10()
df = get_anxious_index()
df = get_individual(survey)
df = get_inflation(survey)
df = get_mean(survey, "level")
df = get_median(survey, "level")
get_dispersion(survey) # saves the file since there's multiple sheets in the excel file
get_microdata() # saves the file since there's multiple sheets in the excel file
get_prob() # saves the file since there's multiple sheets in the excel file
The documentation is really helpful.
This package is in no way officially related to, or endorsed by, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia nor the European Central Bank.