Simple implementation of experiments for evaluating Paraphrase Detectors/Semantic Similarity Estimators based on linear classifires applied to vector sentence representations, as published in Souza and Sanches, 2018 (an earlier version in english language can be obtained at:
This code is written for python 3.7. To download, clone this repository:
git clone
The experiment was divide into two main parts: computing sentence representations ( and evaluate these representations for paraphrase classification and semantic similarity prediction (
The computation of sentence representation is performed by the script This script optionally takes as input a configuration file (Example: rep.cfg) which defines experiment parameters.
the configuration file defines paths to the input, as well as the pre-trained models for different word representations (word embeddings, skip-thought model, Elmo model etc) and path for outputs, as well as which representations should be computed in the experiment.
The input data should be compatible with ASSIN corpus, e.g. [] and [].
To compute the representations, the script uses:
- a serialized pre-trained word embedding model compatible with gensim and memory mapped for fast loading, i.e. a gensim KeyedVectors model (c.f. [] and []);
- a serialized IDF dictionary (dict: vocabulary -> value)
- (possibly) a serialized Skip-Thoughts models, trained using Daniel Watson's implementation (c.f. []) using the same word embeddings model used for processing the input. (A ST model used in the experiments, trained using Hartmann et al's Word2vwc skipgram model with 300 dim is available at Here)
- (possibly) an Elmo model (c.f.
The evaluation of sentence representations for paraphrase classificatio nand semantic similarity estimation is performed by the script and evaluation metric are printed on the terminal.
The parameters define:
- input (default: "data/vectors") : Path to the directory containing the text files
- train (default: "train"): Path to the directory containing the train data files
- test (default: "test"):Path to the directory containing the test data files
- oversample (default: "none"): oversampling method to be used (possible "none","random", "smote" and "adasyn")
- total (default: False): Whether the classifier should test a dataset with combined representations (memory expensive and low performance).
- sim (default: False):If True evaluates Sentence Similarity Estimation, otherwise evaluates Paraphrase Classification
All the dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt
file. They can be installed with pip
as follows:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt