FreeBee is a fork of xioyito's NewBee theme for Hugo. NewBee is a very nice looking theme, but includes analytics that I don't care for.
Coming Soon!
- Functions
- local search without any configuration
- multi-language
- Syntax Highlight
- Custom Header
- Custom footer
- night mode
- A sidebar can be open or close at all times
- Extended Shortcodes
- Valine comment
- Music player based on Aplayer and MetingJS
- Count of Visitor and views
- Components
- Archive(posts) page
- Categories taxonomy
- Tags taxonomy
- series taxonomy
- Author card
- Pre and Next button
- sponsor card
- Other
- Responsive
- Light-Neumorphism style
- High interaction
- Smooth transitions
For more information, please go to:
The following is For macOS system, other systems see:
~ % brew install hugo
~ % port install hugo
First, you need to create a new site(e.g. my-blog) by Hugo:
~ % hugo new site my-blog
You have 2 methods to install FreeBee after creating a new site:
download the theme manually by going to and pasting it to themes
in your root directory.
clone it directly to themes
~ % cd my-blog
my-blog % git clone themes/FreeBee
That's simple, just copy the file FreeBee/config-example/hugo.toml
to your Hugo root directory.
create a new post:
my-blog % hugo new "posts/"
create about page:
my-blog % hugo new "about/"
my-blog % hugo server -D
go to http://localhost:1313/ in your browser. From now your browser will refresh automatically when the files in your site changes , so you don’t need to refresh your browser every time.
if you want to override some of the styles, just create a file my-blog/static/css/custom.css
and add your own styles into this file.
If you find any bugs, welcome to use Issue or create a new Pull Request to fix the issue.
I'd appreciate your support, if you want to share your site, please make a contribution and add your site to the list.
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Thank you.
Copyright © 2024 Mike Doyle, Maror Security
FreeBee theme is released under the MIT License, see more: