This repository contains Jupyter Notebooks for each of the Neo4j graph algorithms.
If we want to run the notebooks locally we need to setup Python and Neo4j environments.
I use virtualenv but that’s just one option. We can run the following set of commands to create a Python environment with the libraries installed:
virtualenv a
. a/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
We’ll also need to have a Neo4j server, with the Graph Algorithms library installed, running locally. The easiest way to do this is to download the Neo4j Desktop from
Once we’ve done that we can create a project and then install Graph Algorithms from the Plugins section.
We’re now ready to launch the Jupyter server.
The notebooks assume that there’s a Neo4j server running at localhost:7687
with username neo4j
and password neo
You can override these values with environment variables.
NEO4J_HOST="bolt://localhost:7687" NEO4J_USER="neo4j" NEO4J_PASSWORD="neo" jupyter notebook
Navigate to http://localhost:8888/notebooks - the notebooks will be waiting!