- Redlands, CA
- https://g.dev/martinoyovo
- @martinoyovo
- in/martino-yovo
flutter-design-collection Public
A collection of Flutter Custom Designs and Flutter UI Kits. Star⭐ the repo and follow me if you like what you see🤩.
flutter_vignettes Public
Forked from gskinnerTeam/flutter_vignettesA collection of fun Flutter experiments, created by gskinner, in partnership with Google.
Flutter-for-Beginners-Third-Edition Public
Forked from PacktPublishing/Flutter-for-Beginners-Third-EditionFlutter for Beginners Third Edition, Published by Packt
flutter-wonderous-app Public
Forked from gskinnerTeam/flutter-wonderous-appA showcase app for the Flutter SDK. Wonderous will educate and entertain as you uncover information about some of the most famous structures in the world.
Toughest Public
Forked from MDSADABWASIM/ToughestInterview questions and answers for preparation, built in pure flutter also have CI implementation for learning.
Dart MIT License UpdatedMay 12, 2023 -
flutter-moving-car-animation Public
Moving car animation using Flutter. Added also keyboard key bindings to control the move and the light of the car. Use “K” to stop the car and “L” to turn on/off the light.
tests_assertions_cheat_sheet Public
Forked from foxanna/tests_assertions_cheat_sheetAssertions In Dart and Flutter tests: an ultimate cheat sheet
Flutter-Animations Public
Forked from rutvik110/Flutter-AnimationsExploring "Animations In Flutter", having fun building and writing about them while doing design challenges to see the extent of what Flutter can achieve.
Dart MIT License UpdatedJan 19, 2023 -
flutter-ml-text-finder Public
Forked from Dinesh-Sowndar/flutter-ml-text-finder -
qosic_dart Public
Forked from NemesisX1/qosic_dartA non-official package to use QOSIC on your Dart and Flutter app
Dart MIT License UpdatedDec 1, 2022 -
flutter-widgets Public
Forked from syncfusion/flutter-widgetsSyncfusion Flutter widgets libraries include high quality UI widgets and file-format packages to help you create rich, high-quality applications for iOS, Android, and web from a single code base.
flutter-design-challenges Public
Forked from mkobuolys/flutter-design-challengesFlutter Design Challenges
Dart UpdatedNov 7, 2022 -
atmosphere_pro Public
Forked from atsign-foundation/atmosphere_proA secure P2P file transfer app
Dart BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedSep 29, 2022 -
flutter_performance_tips Public
Forked from diegoveloper/flutter_performance_tips