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Physically-consistent GMM fitting approach proposed by Figueroa, N. and Billard, A. (2018) "A Physically-Consistent Bayesian Non-Parametric Mixture Model for Dynamical System Learning". In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL).


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This package contains the inference implementation (Gibbs Sampler) for the "Physically Consistent Bayesian Non-Parametric Mixture Model" (PC-GMM) proposed in [1]. This approach is used to automatically (no model selection!) fit GMM on trajectory data while ensuring that the points clustered in each Gaussian represent/follow a linear dynamics model, in other words the points assigned to each Gaussian should be close in "position"-space and follow the same direction in "velocity"-space.


  • [Necessary] LightSpeed Matlab Toolbox: Tom Minka's library which includes highly optimized versions of mathematical functions. Please download/install it in the thirdparty/lightspeed directory.
  • [Optional] crp: Frank Wood's Infinite Gaussian Mixture Model (IGMM) / Dirichlet process (DP) mixture model Matlab implementation. If you want to use/test option 2 of the given GMM fitting function you must download/install it in the thirdparty/crp directory. If you are not interested in this, it is not necessary.

Instructions and Content

This package offers the physically-consistent GMM fitting approach, as well as examples and code for fitting GMM with standard EM approach and the Bayesian non-parametric approach following the Chinese Restaurant Process construction through the [Mu, Priors, Sigma] = fit_gmm() function by filling its options as follows:

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GMM Estimation Algorithm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% 0: Physically-Consistent Non-Parametric (Collapsed Gibbs Sampler)
% 1: GMM-EM Model Selection via BIC
% 2: CRP-GMM (Collapsed Gibbs Sampler)
est_options = [];
est_options.type             = 1;   % GMM Estimation Algorithm Type   

% If algo 1 selected:
est_options.maxK             = 15;  % Maximum Gaussians for Type 1
est_options.fixed_K          = [];  % Fix K and estimate with EM for Type 1

% If algo 0 or 2 selected:
est_options.samplerIter      = 20;  % Maximum Sampler Iterations
                                    % For type 0: 20-50 iter is sufficient
                                    % For type 2: >100 iter are needed
est_options.do_plots         = 1;   % Plot Estimation Statistics
est_options.sub_sample       = 1;   % Size of sub-sampling of trajectories

% Metric Hyper-parameters
est_options.estimate_l       = 1;   % Estimate the lengthscale, if set to 1
est_options.l_sensitivity    = 2;   % lengthscale sensitivity [1-10->>100]
                                    % Default value is set to '2' as in the
                                    % paper, for very messy, close to
                                    % self-interescting trajectories, we
                                    % recommend a higher value
est_options.length_scale     = [];  % if estimate_l=0 you can define your own
                                    % l, when setting l=0 only
                                    % directionality is taken into account

% Fit GMM to Trajectory Data
[Priors, Mu, Sigma] = fit_gmm(Xi_ref, Xi_dot_ref, est_options);

To test the function, you can either draw 2D data by running the demo script:


or you can load pre-drawn 2D or real 3D datasets with the following script:


Example Datasets

These examples + more datasets are provided in ./datasets folder. Following we show some notably challenging trajectory datasets that cannot be correctly clustered with the standard GMM either through MLE via the EM algorithm (center) or the CRP-GMM via collapsed Gibbs sampling (right), but are correctly clustered through our proposed approach (left).

  • GMM fit on 2D Concentric Circles Dataset

  • GMM fit on 2D Opposing Motions (Different Targets) Dataset

  • GMM fit on 2D Multiple Motions (Different Targets) Dataset

  • GMM fit on 2D Multiple Motions (Same Target) Dataset

  • GMM fit on 2D Messy Snake Dataset

Estimation Statistics

By setting est_options.do_plots= 1; the function will plot the corresponding estimation statistics for each algorithm.

  • For the PC-GMM we show the values of the posterior distribution p(C|...) and the estimated clusters at each iteration:

  • For the EM-based Model Selection approach we show the BIC curve computed with increasing K=1,...,15. The 1st and 2nd order numerical derivative of this curve is also plotted and the 'optimal' K is selected as the inflection point:

  • For the CRP-GMM we show the values of the posterior distribution p(Z|...) and the estimated clusters at each iteration:

Known Issues and Limitations

  • The only limitation of the proposed approach is its computational complexity. Although the collapsed gibbs sampler needs significantly less iterations than that for the CRP-GMM, it is computationally taxing as all customer assignments have to be sampled in each iteration. Specifically, the first iteration is slow as the sampler begins with N clusters....more discussion here.
  • Installation issues: If you are having trouble compiling the mex files for the lightspeed library on a Mac, follow the instructions here


Such physically-consistent clustering is particularly useful for learning Dynamical Systems (DS) that are formulated as Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems, as introduced in [1]. To use this approach for DS learning, download the ds-opt package.


[1] Figueroa, N. and Billard, A. (2018) "A Physically-Consistent Bayesian Non-Parametric Mixture Model for Dynamical System Learning". In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL).

Contact: Nadia Figueroa (nadia.figueroafernandez AT epfl dot ch)

Acknowledgments This work was supported by the EU project Cogimon H2020-ICT-23-2014.


Physically-consistent GMM fitting approach proposed by Figueroa, N. and Billard, A. (2018) "A Physically-Consistent Bayesian Non-Parametric Mixture Model for Dynamical System Learning". In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL).







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