Aiming to have a simple and dependency-free tool to visualize PostGIS queries I started this project. QGIS is an enormously more powerful and complex but usually is a bit a pain in the @=! to download and install all those things just to see the result of a simple PostGIS query on a map, particularly on Mac OS (November 2017).
There is another similar project which I consider to fork but I didn't and started this one from scratch because I wanted to be able to run the ¿stack? both as a desktop application and as a client-server web application.
That's the why.
We provide two ways to use Cuis. One is a previously built desktop application, batteries included. The other one is a local client-server Node.js Express application.
Download the app for your platform (Linux / Mac / Windows).
Node.js >= 6. Download
To check your Node.js version run
node -v
yarn package manager.
With Node 6+ installed run
npm install -g yarn
. -
Optional. git. Download
If you don't want to install anything else just download the source code as a zip file, unzip it and skip
git clone
git clone --depth=1
cd cuis
yarn build
yarn serve
cd server
yarn start
cd ui
yarn start
yarn build
yarn package-all
Builds will be stored on ./releases