Takes an export from BTWYG for new and old patches and updates a .btcal file for easy re-importing.
- Using the old WYG file with the old patch, go to
Data -> Spreadsheet
- Export the current table from
File - Export
- Select
as the export option - Repeat for the new WYG file and the new patch
- In BlackTrax, with the old patch and calibrated fixtures go to
File - Export - Fixture Calibration
- Open the Auto Patcher and browse for each file (the two csv files and the btcal export)
- Press Re-Patch (when successful a message will appear)
- Open the new BlackTrax file with the new patch and go to
File - Import - Fixture Calibration
- Verify import was successful
NOTE: This will only work if the spot IDs haven't changed. Spot IDs must be consistent between patches.