Lead Software Engineer for Disguise.
- Stratford, ON
With Django Hijack, admins can log in and work on behalf of other users without having to know their credentials.
Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface
Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency
C# application to switch default playing device. Download: https://soundswitch.aaflalo.me/
The 👜 Bag of Tricks ✨ for Astro's View Transitions. ⭐️ Please star to support this work!
The Microsoft community Windows Package Manager manifest repository
Low-JavaScript embed components for Astro websites
The official Python library for the OpenAI API
Django Ninja Extra - Class-Based Utility and more for Django Ninja(Fast Django REST framework)
An implementation of the JSON Schema specification for Python
JSON schema integration for Django REST Framework
Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
Makes it easy to add information that is relevant for SEO to your Astro app.
An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify / Vercel alternative.
Next Generation Vue UI Component Library
Official Mixpanel JavaScript Client Library
Vue port of Radix UI Primitives. An open-source UI component library for building high-quality, accessible design systems and web apps.
Dynamic and static host resolving for Django. Maps hostnames to URLconfs.
Real-time monitor and web admin for Celery distributed task queue
NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions
ECMAScript proposal for type syntax that is erased - Stage 1
A database migrations tool for TortoiseORM, ready to production.
Familiar asyncio ORM for python, built with relations in mind
Data validation using Python type hints