Classification of a server in what production status it is.
An array of allowed server cost locations. To force people to write accroding to a set standard
- Default: ['Customer1']
An array of allowed states for a server. To force people to write accroding to a set standard
- Default: allowed_states = { pre_prod ['Installing', 'PoC', 'Sandbox'], prod ['In Production'], decom ['Decomissioned'] }
An array of allowed server types. To force people to write accroding to a set standard
- Default: ['Infrastructure']
The current cost location your server is in.
- Default: 'Customer1'
The current state your server is in.
- Default: 'Installing'
What function does your server fil?
- Default: 'Infrastructure'
The location of the prodstatus files. Do not change this location since it will destory the fact generation.
- Default: '/etc/prodstatus'
An extra way of definnig what the cost fact should be called. This is only for handeling a specific case where i have to be able to call this module something else then production_cost
- Default: undef
Path for pointing out the location for facts. This module don't handle the creating of this path.
- Default: '/etc/facter/facts.d'
- 'Infrastructure'
- 'Customerserver'
- 'Terminal'
- 'Installing'
- 'PoC'
- 'Sandbox' prod:
- 'In Production' decom:
- 'Decomissioned'