Deadline | Repo |
23:59 27.02.2020 | created by students themselves |
Working in groups, you have to develop a web portal about culture of Belarus on the given topic.
The goal is to make content project quickly using available simple tools, distriburing work and helping each other.
You can find your group and contacts here:
- Architects of Belarus for groups 1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43;
- Writers of Belarus for groups 2,8,14,20,26,32,38,44
- Poets of Belarus делают группы 3,9,15,21,27,33,39,45
- Photographers of Belarus for groups 4,10,16,22,28,34,40,46;
- Film directors of Belarus for groups 5,11,17,23,29,35,41;
- Theater directors of Belarus for groups 6,12,18,24,30,36,42;
- Start a group chat with participants;
- Discuss which strong points every member of the team has;
- Split the major task into small subtasks. Each couple hours long;
- Document them;
- You can use resourсes for team work such as / GitHub Projects / Google Sheets (Example of template);
- Someone has to make primary structure of the project where the rest will do their PRs later;
- Collaboration will be carried out using Pull Requests. Everyone must merge PRs by him/herself;
- You will need to take into account the time required for improvements or corrections before the deadline, because something might go wrong;
- Students may involve their mentors, if mentors don't mind;
To show process of development it needs to describe small amount of time and what work was accomplish by whom during that time.
You need to provide high level, feature base (what need to score) description.
time spent | feature |
2h | base structure of the project with CRA |
10h | put content in json |
4h | setup image gallery |
time spent | feature |
3h | design and markup for main page |
2h | markup for author page |
4h | setup geowidget |
The portal must contain the following components / functional parts / blocks:
Main page with
- portal's description
- 'author of the day' block
- developer team description (userpics + github accounts + nicknames/names), and contribution of each member
Page with a list of authors on the given topic with search widget
- Search should be on the current language with ability to search by name, city/place of birth
- 7-12 authors are enough to complete the task successfully. You can take more, if you have enough time and willingness
Page of an author with
- Author's name
- Years of life
- Her/his picture
- Biography in the form of timeline (example here)
- List of artist's works with the date of creation
- Photo gallery with author's picture and pictures of his/her works
- Youtube video about the author / works / period of time author lived. Video must open in a new overlay (modal)
- Place of author's major activity on a map: google / openstreetmap (leaflet) / yandex
- It's okay if not every element (timeline, video, photo gallery, map) will be present on every page
Page with team members with
- Avatars for each member
- Link to github / linked in / blog
- Role in the team
Page with worklog
- Table with hours and time for implementing functionality
- Main 1-3 difficulties for the team during implementation
- Self-evaluation with checkboxes and list of all requirements
Page with styleguide
- links / buttons / inputs
- typography elements
- colors and its purpose (primary, secondary)
- icons
- the page can be deployed to other url
Web portal must be deployed on Github Pages / netlify / google firebase / etc
Web portal has to be in 3 languages - by, ru, en. Content may vary for each version but interface elements have to be translated. For this purposes you can use this library or any similar;
Galleries / timelines / overlays can be found here -
Portal should be relatively correctly displayed on tablets and mobile phones.
Content for the portal (texts, facts + year for a timeline, photo for a gallery, youtube video, place of life / activity) can be taken from Wikipedia, YouTube, Google etc.
Design / appearance is important for this task. The text / timeline / button for video / photo gallery / search control on the page with a list of authors are important as general look and feel.
The design from technical point of view should include:
- typography for the portal (h1-h6 headers, text style, 1-2 font types on the page)
- same styles for links, buttons,
- icon
- limited amount of colors
Usage of ready templates / themes are allowed.
Design example / UX:
- - theme for gatsby
- - grey and minimalistic
- - white minimalistic theme
- - clean design
- - humble design
- - with animation
You should develop portal using libraries of visual components such as material-ui or bootstrap.
You should use Reactjs or use gatsbyjs.
Such things as page content and internal data structures for timeline / search / map / photo gallery / video overlay have to be considered on your own.
You'll have to fill in the the form with participants and link to github page before the deadline.
Team member with the lowest rating in the group that takes part in the task has to make a presentation of his/her team's project. During the presentation the following things have to be shown:
- readme with self evaluation and worklog
- PR of all team members
- main page;
- list of authors with search field (filtering);
- author's page with photo gallery, timeline and video;
- 1-3 difficulties occurred during teamwork;
Presentations will be online in 2 sessions of 2 hours each with Dzianis Sheka and other activist as examinators.
General requirements from stage 2.
Mark will be the same for all team members based on the result of presentation.
Maximum points - 240
- 10 Main page + page with a list of authors + author's page (only pages with content without widgets);
- 10 Page with team members + page with worklog
- 10 Page with list of authors contains search widget;
- 20 Portal has two languages;
- 20 Portal has page with styleguide;
- 10 Mobile version is okey
- 10 Ipad/tablet version is okey
- 10 Author's page contains timeline;
- 10 Author's page contains video overlay;
- 20 Author's page contains photo gallery;
- 10 Author's page contains map (geowidget);
- from 0 to 20 Design (typography, icons, colors, links + buttons + input are styled)
- 20 Material-ui / bootstrap is used
- 10 Portal has third language;
- 10 Confidence of the project presentation;
- 10 Project is made using gatsbyjs;
- 10 Contentful / netlify cms is used for content management
- 20 Animations / special effects like paralax
- up to 20 Outstanding design;
- 20 Storybook/styleguidist/other react styleguide tool usage for the page with styles
- -50 if there are less than 5 commits from each active team member. Everyone should merge their own PRs.
- up to -50 points for violations stage2-tasks-requirements
- -40 if there is no worklog for team
- -20 too primitive (ugly for 2020) design / UX
- - gatsby with translation
- - deployed version
- - gatsby with translation
- - xmind with answers
- - стрим набора 2018q3 с ответами на вопросы
@davojta / @rs-activists
It will be couple of evening (22 00 - 24 00 Minsk time) for online presentations in skype