Convert CSV files to Excel without worrying auto data format converter.
GPL version 3 or later
- Convert CSV, TSV to Excel file
- Combine multiple
- Configurable automatic format converter
Usage: csv2xlsx-c-fork [-htHadnbpfu] <file> [<file>]... <file> [-D <string>] [-r <int>] [-P <string>] [-s <string>]... [-c <string>]... [-F <string>]... [-T <string>]
<file> Input TSV or CSV files
<file> Output XLSX file
-h, --help Display this help and exit
-D, --delimiter=<string> Configure delimiter used in the CSV file, defaults to ','
-t, --table Enable table (do not enable this option to reduce memory usage)
-H, --header Enable header (a shorthand to passing --header-rows=1)
-r, --header-rows=<int> Enable header and set number of header rows.
-a, --auto-filter Enable AutoFilter
-P, --freeze-panes=<string> Split and freeze a worksheet into panes in format 'row' or 'row,column'
-s, --sheet-name=<string> Configure excel sheet names
-c, --column=<string> Configure columns in format like '0=type: string' or '1=type: number; number-format: #,##0.00; color: #FF0000', definitions without column number are treated as defaults
-F, --header-column=<string> Configure header column format in format like '0=background-color: #33333333; color: #FFFFFF', definitions without column number are treated as defaults
-d, --convert-digit Enable automatic conversion to integer
-n, --convert-number Enable automatic convert to floating number
-b, --convert-bool Enable automatic convert to boolean
-p, --convert-percent Enable automatic convert to percent
-f, --convert-formula Enable automatic convert to formula
-u, --convert-url Enable automatic convert to url
-T, --temp-directory=<string> Configure alternative temporary files location to override system default